Please help sex my 9 week old Dominique and Wyndotte


8 Years
May 24, 2015
Pleasanton, California
My Coop
My Coop

I think the Dominique is a cockeral ? Is the Buff Laced Wyndotte a pullet? Both were hatchery chicks purchased from Concord Feed stores in California Bay Area.
They are 9 week old. Thank you in advance.
At this age I am going by the early comb and wattle development. It's early for the 'sex specific' feathering to show; although, if I look real hard at the Wyandotte I can convince myself that I see some pointed saddle feathers.
You can tell with the barred rock because of his feather coloring too. The roosters have more white and the hens more black. If you have a hen and rooster next to each other, even a young one, it's obvious. But those combs and wattles definitely say rooster. Hen will be really pale and small at that age.
Oh sorry, that's a dominique you said. I don't know if the barring works the same for them.
Yep, the rules of barring work for Dominiques, barred Rocks, barred Cochins, barred Hollands, cuckoo Marans....all the black barred birds. It actually works on other base colors too, but it can be a lot harder to see on say a lemon cuckoo Orpington.

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