Please Help!!!!! Should I Cancel My Order!???!??


6 Years
Oct 29, 2013
Proudly Born in the USA
So, i'm sure most of you know about the whole salmonella thing @ mt healthy hatchery.

I have chicks due to come in on may 29th from there.

I am planning to bring these birds to the fair next year. to exhibit, they have to be pullorum tested. Let's say that these chicks have a salmonella infection. when I bring them in next year to be tested, then would that test come back positive?? is it even the same thing/strain?

ALSO; someone suggested keeping the order, and then giving them antibiotics. Would this work?

or should I just cancel? they are coming through my feed store, and the owner had to order 45 birds just so I could get 15. I would feel really really bad to cancel, cuz he'd still be stuck with em.

what should I do? I already asked about it a few days ago, and no one answered my post. i'm a little ticked. please give me any info/advice you have. I have looked it up extensively, really, i'm just looking for all of your input. :/
Good afternoon, Chicky. I promised myself not to post anymore after being accused of company bashing, but I know a lot of people have a lot of important questions right now.

I will only refer you to The Chicken Whisperer's podcast today with Dr. Casey Barton Behravesh of the CDC (Deputy Branch Chief, Outbreak Response and Prevention Branch, and Division of Foodborne, Waterborne, and Environmental Diseases, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Coordinator for Enteric Zoonoses and One Health, Division of Foodborne, Waterborne, and Environmental Diseases) and Peter Brown - The Chicken Doctor.

They offer some good advise and as of 2pm, MHH still shipping product...
Take a listen and make an educated decision. Good luck.
Why don't you call Mt. Healthy and ask them your questions. Sorry, aside from that I can't help- haven't kept up on the subject.
I think the question is whether you will be comfortable with birds that are more likely to carry salmonella around your home. I'm contemplating the same question looking at my 6 week old girls that came from that hatchery via the feed store. Not a great start to chicken keeping. :(

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