Please help! Sick silkie and seems to be progressing quick! What should I do?


8 Years
May 7, 2011

I noticed her eyes half closed a week ago but that was it and I didnt come across anything when I searched for it. Just late yesterday she started acting off and sleepy. I just went to check on her early this morning and she doesnt look good.

Last laid egg day before yesterday. Walking with legs really high?

Someone please help!
Please, if ANYONE at all has any advice AT ALL. If there is anything I can do to keep her going at least until someone comes along with a better idea. She had her head tucked into her wing and I know thats never good.

She is stumbling around like she is drunk. I now have her in a laundry basket inside where it is dark.

Get her on electrolytes and offer scrambled egg to get her strength up. Hopeful someone with more experience than me will chime in with better advice. Good luck!
I have syringed fed her water with electrolytes and raw eggs. She wont/cant eat on her own, seems to almost have neuro issues because her perception is way off when she is pecking the food IF she even tries.

I just wish I knew what was wrong so I could take the next measure!
I know me too! Thanks for your suggestions and I appreciate your support. I have wormer, antibiotics, etc ready to go as soon as someone sees this. I feel so helpless until then. :(

My new idea is that I think she may have been the one laying these eggs....

I looked at all the eggs that came from that chicken and there are 3 that look like that. UGH. So maybe one broke inside her? Agh I dont know what to do. So frustrating.

I just wanna save my baby girl.
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I would suspect Mareks disease, or another neurological disease. Vitamin deficiencies, botulism, and aspergillosis also cause neurological problems. Here is a list of common diseases:
Yes her perception has been off. Walking wise just today but the last couple days she has had a hard time pecking food normally. I am 99% she was vaccinated for mareks and she is over 2 years old so wouldnt that be rare?

She does seem sort of thin but not too obvious. She is a little girl so its hard to tell.

Eyes look ok besides them being half closed for almost a week.

She has only pooped once and it looked normal since this morning

Her symptoms include:

Walking funny, lifting legs up high
Lifting her head and a gasping every so often
Wont eat or drink- attempts every so often but perception is off
Hasnt laid an egg in 2 days? Someone has been laying weird cracked eggs that have been sealed over by the time they actually pass. (see pic if confusing)

What I am doing:
I have her in a dark area.
Force feeding water (have gotten a lot in her) with electrolytes and duramycin (sp?)
Force feeding her raw eggs

She seems to maybe be a LITTLE better/alert but not much.

Any advice or suggestions?
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Here is a video i took a few hours ago of her attempting to eat cheese, her favorite. Sorry for darkness, this is after I brought her inside where it was dark and quiet for her


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