Please help! Totally not chicken-related, but does have to do w/ farm, tools, & animals...


6 Years
Oct 29, 2013
Proudly Born in the USA

I have a question, and I have 2 make it short bc I need an answer b4 my dad breaks the darn thing.

Anyways, I have this lead shank (for horses/showmanship), and I packed it away about 3 yrs ago, w/ a knot in the chain (probably got knotted & then a horse pulled on it- SUPER TIGHT), and now the knot is tight, a complete mess, w no way to get it out. We have tried pliers, and Banging on it w a hammer to try & loosen it, but that is just kinda bending the chain loops around eachother.

I'm figuring there are a few handy men- or women- out there who could help a sister out.
I really don't wanna go spend $30+ dollars on a new nice lead shank for just a few days of fair this year.

ALSO I need to get the knot out, the chain is a lil short as it is.

Please, any suggestions would be great!!!!!

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