PLEASE HELP!Wanted!Broody hen!

2chicks poultry

6 Years
Apr 27, 2013
Othello Washington
Hi everyone!
I am looking for an extremely broody hen. I would like it to be a Cochin or Silkie, but sometimes there are some hens that are just born good mothers so the breed doesn't really matter as long as you can prove that she is very broody. The hen does not have to be pure breed.I would like her to be 2 years old or younger. I would like her to not have to be shipped but you can pm me and I might have her shipped as long as shes not to far away, I'm located by Tri-cities in Washington State USA. I want a very broody hen because I want to have her hatch some eggs so that I don't have to deal with the incubating process. I hope that you will consider my farm a good home you broody hen! I would be willing to pay $15.00 US dollars for her or maybe more..Please PM me or reply if you have a hen available! Thanks!
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