Please Help!


In the Brooder
Jan 26, 2016
Somewhere snowy in PA
Last Sunday (April 17) I went and got 2 new roosters (I'm not saying who or where) when we got to the "farm" their were chicken coops everywhere like 20+ coops and maybe 3 very small runs attached to 3 of them. Anyway, the lady opens up the one coop, the size of a small dog box and pulls out the one rooster and we put him in a box and go to second small dog box sized coop and get the second rooster. The coops were heated/cooled and clean but I'm thinking these guys lived in these coops pretty much 24/7. fast forward to today, I had to bodily drag the one rooster out of my chicken coop because he had yet to come outside even with all the doors, flaps and openings wide open. The other rooster will come out but only if I put him in a dog box I have for shelter in the run. Other than that they will not come out of the coop. I have tried coaxing them out with all sorts of goodies and been feeding and watering them because it's been really hot here this last week but I don't know what else to do. The only reason I was able to grab the one and get him out was because he walked close enough to the back door hatch. My coop is not person friendly
How do I get them to come out??? I feel so bad for them.

On top of that, neither of them knows how to roost and I find them curled up in the middle of the run (the few times I've managed to get them out) if not they're curled up in my nesting boxes.

And the one, Louie, has incredibly long nails. They need trimmed but I'm not sure what to do. Is it just like trimming a dog or cat?

Any advice on how to get these guys to not be dysfunctional would be greatly appreciated. They're super sweet and they seem so sad
Give them time, offer treats and wait. They are traumatized. Did they both come from the same pen? If they didn't grow up together they will probably fight down the road when the feel more confident. I would give them a month or so.

Trim their nails like dogs, used kwik stop or cornstarch if you bleed them.
I have too many hens for one rooster to cover them all so 2 roosters

If I'm remembering right they are about 15 months old
So you have 20+ hens...and are wanting to hatch from your flock?
....and your coop is big enough for that many birds but is not 'people friendly'?

It may just take time for them to acclimate to the new location...both mentally and physically.
Hopefully they are not ill with something they brought with them, or not immune to at their new home.
Are all the hens free range.....or in a run?

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