Please help!

Black sex links would not have feathered legs. French BCMs are supposed to have feathered legs--would you happen to know if your birds are French or English Marans standard?
I believe the pullet with the silver neck and the feathered feet to be a cross. Do you know if there were any feather-footed breeds in your mixed hatching eggs?
The gold and black roo with the foot feathers is a cross, I think, though I suppose he could be a BC Marans rooster with pale leakage.
The lemon and black roo with the feathered feet is almost certainly a mix--his coloration indicates a mix of silver and gold genetics, and most hatcheries and breeders don't allow that.
The last one could be a silver-laced orpington, according to the single comb. Are her (?) feet feathered at all?


The mixed breeds we hatched came from barred rocks, RIR, astralorps, buff orpingtons, Black sex linked, Red sex linked, Brown leghorns, cinnamon queens and Americanas. No feathered feet. The last chicken does not have any feathers at all on her feet. She is very big compared to all the other chicks even though she is the same age. Her legs are thick like she’ll be a big bird.
1. Black Sex Link Pullet
2. BCM Pullet
3. BCM Cockerel
4. BCM Cockerel
5. BCM Cockerel
6. Wyandotte Mix Pullet

Just FYI, these birds are extremely poorly bred, worse than hatchery stock even, and do not meet breed standards at all. I would not purchase birds from whoever you purchased from again.
Sorry, I don't mean to criticize, just wanted to let you know, for future reference. :)

I have to agree with you on poor breeding. A couple of the Ayam Cemanis obviously do not come from the best stock. Never again.
I have to agree with you on poor breeding. A couple of the Ayam Cemanis obviously do not come from the best stock. Never again.
Yes. The BSL doesn't have dark legs, they are pale.
The BCMs have too much feathering on their legs, makes me think they could be crossed somewhere back in the line. Also their legs are super yellow, and they should be pale/white. I wonder if they are crossed with Cochins......:hmm
Yes. The BSL doesn't have dark legs, they are pale.
The BCMs have too much feathering on their legs, makes me think they could be crossed somewhere back in the line. Also their legs are super yellow, and they should be pale/white. I wonder if they are crossed with Cochins......:hmm

Yeah the extra feathering in the legs, different colors in the feathers and yellow legs were how I was able to tell they were not my 15 BCM

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