Please help!

Oyster Shells = Calcium

Yes, I know that. But do you know how many mg's of calcium she is getting, if she is even eating the shell? You are the one that asked for help, I gave you a links to read, but you think oyster shell will work better than a calcium given orally. Do what you think is best...
Oyster Shells = Calcium
Do you have any idea how long it takes for the calcium in oyster shell to actually enter the blood stream? It isn't instant. It takes days and even weeks with some birds to get the levels up to where they can actually work. There have been some really good ideas offered to you here and it appears to me that you have something else in mind, so are going to ignore the very good advice given to you. That's your choice and I wish you the best of luck.

That thread Casportpony directed you to is one I had to start. My poor girl would have died if I hadn't followed the advice given to me and also figured out a couple of others that worked for my Lucy. As for an antibiotic, I think it's perfectly acceptable in this case. You aren't getting any eggs from her anyways, so where's the harm? I would think a mild dosing of Duramycin in her water would go a long way in keeping her alive so that she has the chance to get well. Just my 2 cents.
Yes, I know that. But do you know how many mg's of calcium she is getting, if she is even eating the shell? You are the one that asked for help, I gave you a links to read, but you think oyster shell will work better than a calcium given orally. Do what you think is best...
well I have it in powder form so I mix it with the water and she is drinking a ton of it
FWIW, I think I read something from a vet that said to give 150mg/kg, but I give mine more. Good luck, I hope she gets better.
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I think the whole thing was a misunderstanding, I was taking the advice - I just was not aware that oyster shells would not work as well as calcium pills and I did not have any calcium pills so the first thing I thought of was oyster shells

Something must of worked because I am currently watching her eat like a pig ( how un-chicken like hey?) And her poop is more regular, I think I will keep in one more night though - I would say she is 50% better if not more...I guess I will see when she lays her egg!
One last question though, Could this be temporary? I hope not, I missed perky little ingrid!

Now I think I am going to give her a special little treat

Thank You Everyone!

-ChickadeeRanch ( and ingrid )
These are from the fall...I could not keep her still long enough to take a picture today - But that's good!!


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