Please look at these pics- is this serious?

Jodi Keilman

5 Years
Jan 24, 2018
Glendale, AZ
1-week old Bantam Silkie with poopy butt for last 4 days. I’ve run it’s bittom under warm water every day & carefully wiped away poop. Is its bottom supposed to protrude like this? I know it looks gross but it’s clean in these pics. I just washed again & applied a little Aquaphor on its flap. I just want to ask all of you if you think it’s okay. This is my first experience with chicks. The other 3 have no issues and their fur covers their behinds. So, I’m worried.
No this is not normal. By poopy butt so you mean the vent gets pasted over, or is it just messy because of runny poop? The skin on the vent area is very sensitive and could be irritated by the poop or by you cleaning it, or it could be some other problem. To me it looks swollen and irritated. First you should try to work out why the chick keeps getting the poop problem while the others don't.
It has a prolapsed vent. You can apply some honey or hemorrhoid cream to help reduce the swelling, but keep the red tissue moist to prevent it from drying out. Is the chick eating and drinking normally? It may have prolapsed due to constipation. I would give it a few drops of molasses or mineral oil in some food, which may have a laxative effect. Make sure it drinks plenty of water.
+1 to prolapsed vent and to treat it for inflammation. Also need to figure out the cause. Eating the bedding?
If there is a blockage, it may need to be treated with eating some oil (olive, coconut, etc). Please don’t do that, though, until others weigh in.
I would keep the chick in a warm environment where there is no bedding it can eat. Just in case. Maybe just use a towel for now.

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