PLEASE READ if your chicken is sick!

GSE won't hurt. If there is something going on, it will deal with that, and if not, it will just kill all the daily "stuff" they come in contact with. My chickens get it continuously and I have seen no bad affects from it. I am sorry I can not offer more specific advise for your particular situation, but I don't have any experience with any thing like that. I think the vitamins are definitely a good idea. If there is any inflammation, hopefully the GSE will take care of whatever it causing it. Hope your Dad is recovering and best wishes on getting your girl fixed up!
Amen, amen, amen. Grapefruit seed extract almost immediately cured my listless 13 week old hen, who was pooping blood (coccidiosis?), not eating or drinking. I forcefed her GSE laced water and within 24 hours she was drinking on her own, then another 12 was eating on her own. The rest of the littles started with the same symptoms and I put the GSE in their water.

Everyone is now totally healthy.

After all of that, I now keep the GSE in the general waterer.

As an aside, I put the drops in my Netipot and that has helped tremendously. Also, my daughter had a bronchial thing, but after 24 hours on GSE, she didn't anymore.
I have 11 chickens and three baby chicks. Seems like only 2 of them are sneezing, so I need to separate them from the flock until the sneezing stops.
I have 11 chickens and three baby chicks. Seems like only 2 of them are sneezing, so I need to separate them from the flock until the sneezing stops.

Welcome to BYC @ambria1925

Can you give us more information?
How old are the ones that are sneezing?
What other symptoms do you have beside sneezing - runny nose(mucous), watery eyes, coughing, wheezing?
Is it the older chickens that sneeze or the babies?
How do you have them housed?

Separate any birds that are sick/showing symptoms.
Sneezing can be a symptom of respiratory illness. Some other causes of sneezing is not enough ventilation, dusty housing and ammonia buildup from droppings.

Offer some poultry vitamins in their water and keep them hydrated. In addition to their normal feed you can offer some egg or tuna for extra protein.

Let us know how they are doing.
I have four comments that I got from the same lady and we were told they were 2 years old but I'm thinking they are older then that. But only two of them are sneezing I haven't seen any other symptoms. But then I have a road island red that is 1 and a black sex link that's is the same age. Along with a banum that's spelt wrong sorry. And my two rooster one is a road island red and is 8 months and then I have alittle old England banum that is my six year olds best friend. They free frange threw the day and go back in the coop at night. I don't even have to **** the door they know when it's bed time. I have read that grape seed extract is really good for all of them. I just don't what to do about the sneezing they are all very very close and never wonder apart from each other. We are new to having chickens and I'm doing the best I can and learning as I go. I almost forgot we aren't sure how old or what kind of chickens our two momma are we got them from a barn we board are horse at but have had them for quit a while. But anyways the babies seem fine they also go out with the flock and momma keeps a close eye on them as they run around and learn how to scratch at the ground and even witnesses our two little one fighting over a worm lol. Any advice would be amazing I love our chicken and want them to be happy and healthy
I have four comments that I got from the same lady and we were told they were 2 years old but I'm thinking they are older then that. But only two of them are sneezing I haven't seen any other symptoms. But then I have a road island red that is 1 and a black sex link that's is the same age. Along with a banum that's spelt wrong sorry. And my two rooster one is a road island red and is 8 months and then I have alittle old England banum that is my six year olds best friend. They free frange threw the day and go back in the coop at night. I don't even have to **** the door they know when it's bed time. I have read that grape seed extract is really good for all of them. I just don't what to do about the sneezing they are all very very close and never wonder apart from each other. We are new to having chickens and I'm doing the best I can and learning as I go. I almost forgot we aren't sure how old or what kind of chickens our two momma are we got them from a barn we board are horse at but have had them for quit a while. But anyways the babies seem fine they also go out with the flock and momma keeps a close eye on them as they run around and learn how to scratch at the ground and even witnesses our two little one fighting over a worm lol. Any advice would be amazing I love our chicken and want them to be happy and healthy
Since the only symptom you are seeing is sneezing, you can try using VetRx to see if this makes a difference. If I understand correctly, you have chickens from different sources, so they may have a common respiratory illness like Infectious Bronchitis. Antibiotic treatment is usually not that effective unless they have complications (bacterial infection) from respiratory illness.

I have never used herbal remedies for illness, so I can't say how effective GSE is. Alternative/natural remedies are a good way to go if you can find the right information/dosage for treating.

A good place to start would be some popular sites like Fresh Eggs Daily or Tilly's Nest. They have articles about treating illness naturally.
For all of you out there, please go online now and order some GSE (grapefruit seed extract). Google for the best price. I usually purchase through This is a must have for chicken people! It has saved my entire flock (minus one but she died because she didn't get any!)

Almost every issue I am seeing can at least be helped by GSE. You just put some in their water daily. If they are not eating or drinking, you can force feed it. Please don't think is too easy, so it can't possibly work. If I thought that, I would have lost half my flock. I have 7 chickens that are alive right now because of GSE. A vet wouldn't help me without charging me $60 for a vet visit but this $15 bottle of GSE did the job.

Here is the product description on the NutriBiotic brand: "NutriBiotic Maximum GSE
(Grapefruit Seed Extract) Liquid Concentrate is a natural quaternary compound synthesized from the seed and pulp of organically grown grapefruit.

The grapefruit bioflavonoid (polyphenolics) are converted into an extremely potent compound that has been proven highly effective in numerous applications. Maximum GSE is used by healthcare professionals worldwide as nutritional support for individuals with an array of health concerns.

It contains high levels of vitamin C and E, and bioflavonoids. These important substances have an antioxidant action and can neutralize free radicals that damage cells and cause a number of illnesses.

Grapefruit seed extract is being used successfully in humans and animals alike. It naturally helps to detoxify, enhance and support the immune system. After 35 years in use by naturopathic physicians, clinics and the general public grapefruit seed extract has been proven to be a safe and effective!"

I know I sound like a broken record and there will be some doubters out there, but just try it. has a small bottle for $13 and they have free shipping over $40 (so pick up some colloidal silver while you are at!) Even without free shipping, their shipping for this one item is $2/USPS or $4/UPS. For $15 you can have on hand something that will treat 400 chickens with 1 dose (at a 1 drop dose if you were force feeding). How can you beat that? I have no vested interest in this stuff. I am just a customer who found out it works. I brought a chicken back from the brink of death with GSE and I just want to get the word out so that everyone can have some on hand for when an emergency arrives. There is nothing worse than having to wait it out all night until the local feed store or TSC opens. If you get this, you won't have to.

Also, check out the following post for how I successfully dealt with a sick chicken. This chicken would not open her eyes, would not move, and at times would only breath through her mouth. She is alive and well today. I was dealing with coryza, but this treatment can work for a variety of illnesses.
I used it for resp issues in my chickens . 2 drops in tongue. Works quick!! I use it in water too! It’s a miracle in s bottle for so many ailments for myself too. It’s my first go to for anything unwell.

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