PLEASE READ! Pekin lost strength in foot!


5 Years
Mar 12, 2016
East Tennessee
I first noticed one of my two-year-old Pekin ducks limping when I came back from vacation two days ago. Unlike my other pekin who had limped, this duck's condition is so much worse: she can't even paddle with it in deep water! After contacting the woman who was taking care of them while I was gone, she said that she'd made sure to watch their walking (Since I had a problem with another duck) and that nothing was different. It makes me so frustrated; now both of my pekins have leg issues!
I've taken into consideration that their breed is prone to leg issues due to weight, but it's so drastic that I'm worried she broke her leg somehow (Even in that case, she was in a large run that's relatively even). The other pekin who has a slight limp now is due to the drake that once overmated my females, but he's been long gone since I gave him to another farm. This pekin hasn't had any history of leg issues until now.
I'm really hoping for the best. I've had to put down a wounded duck in the past, and it is terrible to experience. Is there any hope that she'll get out of this ok? Our neighbors had an old swan break his legs and was recommended they put the bird to sleep. Vets are last resort, but not off the table. Do pekin ducks just have short lifespans, given their bred for meat?
Thank you for reading.​
What are you feeding them? I would give them niacin supplements: 100 mg per gallon of water, not no-flush or timed release, just a capsule emptied into the water at that concentration.
Search for Niacin on here and you'll find lots of stories about leg problems. Good luck.
Thank you so much for responding quickly!
@BaJa, they are the average, normal pekin duck, no jumbo. We ordered them from online, so it should be pretty accurate.
@Ren2014 I've been feeding them chicken layer pellets, oyster shells, and occasional kitchen scraps. I believe I've tried niacin before with my other limping duck, but I'll make sure to add some in the water. I've been giving her baby aspirins since she was panting.
I don't know of any short life span issues with Pekins. In fact, three years ago, I had a Pekin hen, who would walk off from time to time, and I would find her hiding under a juniper bush about 50-yards away. Eventually, she decided that she would rather live elsewhere, so when she walked off--she just kept going. I think one of the local coyotes or foxes got her. Of course i tried to round everyone up before nighttime, and lock them into their run, but you know how it is.
Regarding pain pills for ducks--I don't know if aspirin works the same with their metabolisms as it does with humans. For me, that is most definitely a vet question. For example, my dog gets Rimidil for pain, but NO aspirin, per vet's orders. Just saying.
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I've been feeding them chicken layer pellets, oyster shells, and occasional kitchen scraps. I believe I've tried niacin before with my other limping duck, but I'll make sure to add some in the water. I've been giving her baby aspirins since she was panting.
:frow chicken layer pellets are made for a laying hen, not a duck, you would be much better of switching to an all-flock feed and offer free choice oyster shell as you already are. The All flock has a little more protein and a better assortment of vitamins and minerals for water-fowl.
As Miss Lydia said aspirin as hard on their kidneys, how are you administering it and in what dose?

How much do they weigh?
Are they laying?
Thank you all for responding!
The Pekin is still not on her feet after a week of giving her niacin (We went to a naturalistic medicine place to get pure niacin that wasn't flush free). After studying her feet again, the bottom of the foot that cannot function is a little hard (maybe just dry?). I soaked her foot in warm water and tried to see what it was. It wasn't bumble foot, and it wasn't discolored. Maybe it's just me....
@DwayneNLiz I had stopped giving her aspirin a couple days ago. I had been giving her one in a treat daily. Our flock had been laying many eggs lately (cartons and cartons!), but recently we've only gotten an egg or nothing each week.
@Miss Lydia After talking with my parents, I think they're more ok with taking her to the vet.
This is confusing for me. One day, the Pekin is fine, walking around, the next, she's hobbling around on one leg. None of the other ducks have this, but this Pekin is the heaviest so maybe there's too much pressure on the legs. One of our ducks was euthanized because she was immobilized completely due to a drake (who has joined a different farm) breaking her bones. Another one of my other ducks limps slightly due to the drake's mating. All of this started around the time I realized the drake was no good in my barn earlier this year, but this Pekin suddenly drops like she has a broken leg. I will probably end up taking her to the vet next week.
If she has been like this for a while it can take longer for the niacin to work, what dosage are you giving it should be 150mgs per gal of water or mixed into her feed.
She could even have an injury to her lower back which is causing her leg issues, if your parents are in agreement to letting a vet examine her that would be the best course of action. Keep up the niacin too.

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