Please save the geese in Topeka KS!

Sep 13, 2019
Update: I posted this in hopes that somebody would come forward in order to help. What happened instead is that many came forward in a display much like Hitler’s army. I came to realize how easy it was for Hitler to carry out his plan! Convince people something is a problem and they will kill (or allow killing) and torture anyone or anything, and also feel justified in doing so! I am amazed at the number of people that would do just as Hitler’s army did -believe his lies and agree to place innocent lives in a gas chamber. Even the babies. Same thing with the geese. What life does it stop with?

I hope I can post this here! The geese at Lake Shawnee in Topeka Kansas are going to be killed because they poop! This is scheduled to take place sometime between now and the end of July when the geese are helpless because they are molting and cannot fly. In defense of animals is putting out a media release, but we don’t know if it will go out in time. The park manager lied to all of the constituents as well as the media, and told them that the geese are being relocated. There is no program to relocate geese! The contract is with the USDA who only kills them. At this lake, there are hundreds of innocent geese they are going to kill inhumanely in gas chambers. If you can help, please contact me as soon as possible, or contact Dawn at Save The Geese Bloomsburg (Facebook page). I live in Pennsylvania and it is very hard to do much. I will be happy to explain how I found out about this happening there, but I just want to get the word out as soon as possible and see if we can get a contact person that will help. I have tried to post about the geese slaughter before, but accidentally linked to a site that I didn’t know asked for donations. The Facebook page I referenced does not ask for any money. It talks about The Geese we barely managed to save this year in Bloomsburg, but anyone that can help can get all the information they need or can contact Dawn who will get you in touch with experts that can help in that town. They have to have a contact person though! Just one person, please!
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I can't find enough information to develop an opinion on this.

If they are non migratory and hunting isn't allowed something has to be done to control the population to keep the ecosystem healthy.
Of course! There are many ways to control the population, and there are experts that charge about 1/4 what the USDA charges to viciously and inhumanely slaughter them. I can try to find the name of the people that do this if you would like? In defense of animals has an article about the gassing of geese. It is very informative and it talks about what things can be done to control them. They are not blind to the inconvenience of too many geese, and they are very smart about what to do. I am not able to link you to their articles because I believe they ask for donations on their site.

Thank you for caring enough to at least want to look into this!
Is there a plan for taking care of the problem? It is not like people go around just waiting for a the chance to kill a bunch of geese. They might be open to you taking them in if you like them so much. Not trying to belittle you just trying to think through what is going on.
Of course! There are many ways to control the population, and there are experts that charge about 1/4 what the USDA charges to viciously and inhumanely slaughter them. I can try to find the name of the people that do this if you would like? In defense of animals has article about the gassing of geese. It is very informative and it talks about what things can be down to control them. They are not blind to the inconvenience of too many geese, and they are very smart about what to do. I am not able to link you to their articles because I believe they ask for donations on their site.
Is there a plan for taking care of the problem? It is not like people go around just waiting for a the chance to kill a bunch of geese. They might be open to you taking them in if you like them so much. Not trying to belittle you just trying to think through what is going on.
Their plan is to pay huge amounts of money to have the USDA kill them. Then they will return again next year. I would absolutely take them all if I had enough space to put them that would allow them to live decent lives. That would be illegal though for me to do though! Is the only plan you can see, viciously murdering them? I do not have the energy to educate you on all of the means that are more effective than killing. Why don’t you look it up and then tell everyone on the forum? You can start by looking at the website, in defense of animals, where many solutions are talked about. You can also call them and find out how you can help rather than argue with someone like me that is devastated by this evil killing.

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