Please someone help!!!


10 Years
Aug 25, 2009
Hi so its day 19 and i have 3 eggs starting to hatch one is just piped the other have borken the shell quite a bit but not in a normal zip..... and one of the eggs that have broken off a bit of the shell i see blood and i know they can bleed out is there anything i can do to try and have that not happen????????
It is not uncommon for eggs to pip or even hatch on day 19! If your temp was a little high then it can happen! If one is bleeding a lot then it may have hit a vein while pipping! I don't believe there is anything you can do about it! Leave it in though because the heat in the bator can help clot better and possibly keep it from bleeding out! The one that pipped a big hole - if it is not zipping but just making the original pip hole bigger and bigger then your humidity may be too low! If the membrane is stuck to the chick then it won't be able to turn to zip and so it will keep trying the same hole!
well the thing is the one that is bleeding a tiny bit and the other one have broke a hole in the side out from the original pip and it is between the size of a quarter to a loonie....... and i just dont want the membrane to dry cause these arent cheap chicks.......
well i just went down and the 2 of them are laying on the floor of the bator still attached to the bottom half of the egg. I am scared cause i have never had this happen but i also have never sat and watched i usually check every hour or so and i have never actually seen one hatch just at the pip zip and the hatched and drying stage....... what do i do.....
i dont know cause i can't see and i dont want to open the bator. is it bad that they are still attached to the shell???
I have had it happen! I had one with thick attachment that finally broke free after hours! If its a thin one then you can cut it about half an inch from her belly button! Is you bator on with 2 windows in the top??

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