Please Teach me Mites, Louse, Lice Do they infest house?

We had a bad case of mites in our coop. There were thousands of them. I tried everything until I found what worked. We used powdered sulpher and dusted every surface we could. Then, I mixed about a half of a cup in a gallon of water and sprayed the walls, ceiling and every crack. It took an out 5 treatments, but I finally killed them all. They come out at night so I had to spray each night she they emerged from hiding. It was really creepy because they crawled on me and got in my hair. Thank goodness it was easy to get them off! I never want to go thru that again!!
We are going through this right now.. They are in our house now after we have treated the coop areas close to the house. So they have either come here looking for chickens or come in on our clothes. I am HOPING/PRAYING they wont last here, we are all getting bitten and can feel them crawling at night, ugh!! I have yet to actually see one or catch it on sticky tape. We also had thousands in the coops under feeders etc so I am sure we were bringing them in the house long before we knew what was up. GROSS!!!! These are light tan colored ones too
Well at least in the winter time they might die
That's how the ones we have work then in the spring we like drench the place on mite killer then hope for the best

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