please tell me your chickens names.

I am glad this popped back up as i have 2 who still need names.

I have the 2 big ones, Mavis and Holly. THe original Nugget died. THe 4 chicks are

Nugget Jr. and Rebel in a Red Dress (RIR she is going to be trouble i just know it)

Still waiting for the other 2 to show us what they are made of.
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Recently added to my flock:

Patch (dark mark on the back of her head)
Queenie (large, crown-shaped mark on the top of her head)
Cleo(patra) (because of the dark 'eyeliner' she had as a chick!)

Benson (Rooster. Offspring and replacement of my wonderful Bielfelder roo Ben, who sadly passed away due to a heart defect last week. Previously called 'Orange Girl' in the vain hope he would be a pullet, then 'Orange Boy' when I realised that you can't influence a chicken's sex through their name
! Re-named in tribute after Ben's passing - if he's half as gentle and caring with his flock as Ben was then I'll be happy

Solo (the only hatchling from a clutch of 6 eggs

Billy Whizz (another roo, and when he was young the fastest chick on earth - I've never seen a bird move so fast in my life! British BYC'ers will recognise his character from 'The Beano' comic!)
Mine are named after the way they look, it's maybe not the height of creativity but at least this way I remember the names.

The hens:
Mad-Eye (has got slightly asymmetric eyes, giving her a mad look, and she also was quite aggressive when I first got her)
Cream Puff (whitish-golden, she just looks "tasty" but of course will stay on as a layer)
Goldie (boring name, I know. And she also lost a lot of her speckled gold color when she grew up - she's the one on the photo)
Marble (incompletely barred with a shiny copper colored breast)

The chicks:
Sparrow - he/she has the size and almost exact feather color and pattern of a sparrow
Zipper - black with a scraggly gray-white line down his (her?) chest - I wonder if that stays on later in life
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Fun thread! My chicks are almost 7 weeks old now, and I've finally figured out which ones are keepers and settled on names for them. I ended up with:

Pilot - Welsummer rooster who nearly flew right out of the top half-door of the coop the first day I brought them home from the brooder
Cora - Welsummer pullet who is super sweet and loves to have her back rubbed
Hootie - Easter Egger whose face, especially as a new chick, makes her look like a little owl
Ethel - Easter Egger who started out as "Miss Piggy" but outgrew her name
Minnie - Speckled Sussex who is the smallest of the bunch
Chickaletta - Silver Laced Wyandotte named for a cartoon character to make my niece happy
My cousins are:
Jelly Bean
Can't remember the others
Can't remember the females or the babies
Good luck with your chicks! :)
Barred Rock Male: Barney
Barred Rock Female: Betty
Cream Legbar (F): Laya
Cream Legbar (F): Essy (she's a great Esse/friend to galvy)
Barnevelder (F): Galvy
Welsummer (F): Quinn
Welsummer (M): Kellogg
Bantam Unknown breed (F): Isla
Bantam Unknown breed (F): Twitter
Bantam Unknown breed (M): Turkey
Australorp (F): Aussie
Cuckoo Maran (F): Cuckoo
Buff Orpington (F): Buffy
Americauna (F): TeePee
Barred Rock (M): No name, usually just call him Buba; will be culled or re-homed as I have too many roosters, but has actually really not caused problems at this point so he continues to just hang out.
Twisty - she has a twisted beak so it was a givin
Tranny - We thought she was a rooster but started laying so she's our transgender chicken. :D
Blondie - shes super blonde in color compared to our other buff silkies
Spike - she has a spiked comb rather than a normal silkie comb
Gobbles - she has large waddles and my wife started calling her gobbles because of it.

Haven't named our baby blue silkies yet since we aren't sure of their sexes yet.
I names them( as a group) "My Flower Garden."

Delphinium( my rooster)
Chick Little( Peony)

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