please tell me your chickens names.

Cogburn, Omar, Bond, Big Balls, Miss Kitty, Moneyhenny, Judy, Shirley, Liza, Lorna, the Andrew sisters, Bette, Martha, Willhemenia, Nancy, and many more...
My 5 and 6 year old daughters named ours:

"Filly"-white cochin pullet
"Black"-sexlink pullet
"Brownie" -EE
"Heartsa" -Australorp RIP
"Snowball" Leghorn RIP

I secretly call Black, the sexlink, "Snookie" cuz she gets on my nerves and has an outspoken personality, lol. And parts of her are very orange.

We ordered replacement chicks, another Snowball, another EE unnamed, and another Australorp will be called "Princess Heartsa."
Blackie, Blondie, Spike, Cougar, Miss Priss, Matilda, Floppy, Lambeosarus, Parasaurolophus, Wimpy Spike. Can you tell I have boys!
The other ones are still waiting to see what they are like.
Turkeys- Chris (Christmas), Tom (Thanksgiving), "Grateful Dead" for whenever, "Back-up" died (I don't think it liked its name.)
Geese- CAL short for Cr_ps - A- Lot, PAL = Poops-A-Lot
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Pixie = EE
Dixie = GLW
Voo-doo = Black austrolorp
Scarlet aka broody mamma = GLW
Oreo = GLW (was supposed to be a SLW)
Pooh = EE
Maple = BO
June bug = BO
Also knows colectively as "the girls" & "the Babies"
Tallulah = LB and Head hen
Pip = LB
Alexia = LB
Maisie = BR
Coraline = BR
Abby = BR
Hermione = PR
Rudy (who I call Jack) = PR
Haley = PR
Buffy = BO
Trixie = BO
Angelina = BO
When my niece was about 8 years old her mom got three bunnies that they were going to raise for meat (they already had about a dozen chickens, a huge garden and a pig).

My niece quite cleverly named them "Wheat, Milk and Chocolate" because she was allergic to wheat, milk and chocolate and therefore couldn't eat any of them.

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