Please try my website and see how it works on you computer?

Looks good
Hi. Let me just say first of all, I am a graphic design student. I have not created a working website but have made pages and slideshows. Your welcome page loaded so quickly and disappeared within 1-2 seconds that one couldn't really even see it. You may want to look at that. Then on the initial slideshow on your home page, I saw what could be described as "hiccoughs" when each page loaded. There is a hesitation and then the picture shutters and jumps at first and then appears stable. There is also a black line showing up vertically at about the 1/3 mark on the left side of each picture. I am running the latest version of Firefox and Vista for an OS. Hope this is what you were looking for.
Must be your system. I experienced absolutely NONE of those situations when I visited the webpage. It was smooth as silk with n'ary a cough nor hiccup nor stall of any kind. The welcome message didn't just pop up & disappear within 2 seconds, either. The entire thing executed flawlessly on my machine.
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I got that same line and hickup on Google Chrome as well but the slide show was fine. Looks great by the way

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