Please try my website and see how it works on you computer?

Nicely done.

I like the link to your e-bay store, as well. So where's the prices on your eggs?? LOL. (I'm a sucker for barnevelders.)
I tested it on Chrome 10.0.648.151 on a MacBook 11" on wifi.

There's some usability quibbles. Also, your site may not work on many browsers since you have unclosed html and body tags.

It takes a moment for the Home screen to come up - and the pics have a weird wobble/bounce when they switch. Also, the pics don't have an "alt" tag describing what they are for folks using a screen reader (disabilities).

I have to scroll down to see the navigation menu. If I click on something, I have scroll back up again to see the top of the page. There's no indication on the navigation menu which page I'm on. There's also no indication at the top on the title bar as to which page I'm on, so there's no way to link to a particular page to point out your awesome Sussex, for example, to someone.

On the Barnevelders page, don't use an underline for About the Breed because underlines suggest a clickable link.

On the Ameraucanas page, the text is above the photos, which is inconsistent with the other breeds pages on your site.

On the "For Sale/Coops" page - there's no where to click to purchase or to get more information about the coop(s?) if someone wanted to buy. Also, the butterfly on the lower left is distracting and superfluous. Is there a price list? If so, where?

On the breed pages, there's no way to increase/decrease font size using the usual CTRL++. That worked on your home page and needs to work elsewhere.

Here's a couple free website accessibility sites to use: or

Hope this helps.

BTW - gorgeous birds!

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