Please welcome Tripp Alan Tice, Born 3/13/09 @ 3:09pm Pic on page 4

Congrats!!! I'm glad you are home and able to move around. My last baby was 4 weeks early and still weighted 9lbs 9ozs!!! I didn't even want to walk on my own!
Interesting stuff on the caul. I can't imagine giving birth to a monster baby, I was 8lbs when I was born, and my brother was 9lbs, but he was born a little late. Imagine how huge your baby would have been if born full term!
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Chickiebaby, thanks for mentioning this as I have often wondered what the "veil" was in child birth. So onward I went, reading this:

The birth caul or veil is a full face mask which may be sometimes found covering the face of a child at birth. Such births are quite rare, and they hold special significance for the child born in such a manner. There are many stories and myths about the caul, many of them erroneous. This site is provided to give some insight to those who are born with a caul, and to further promote public knowledge of the phenomenon.

The correct name for those who are born with a caul is a Caulbearer. Such people are often referred to as being born behind the veil, as the caul is also referred to as the veil in many cultures, due to it being a face covering or mask.

It should be noted that Caulbearers may be male or female, and may come from any social class, racial or religious group. There are no geographical boundaries to the phenomenon. However, it has been observed that caul births do have tendencies to run in family bloodlines. Sometimes, but quite rarely, more than one member of a family, usually a parent and child, may be born with a caul.

It has been calculated that Caulbearer births may be as few as one in eighty thousand births. However, this does not necessarily mean that there will be one such birth in every eighty thousand births in a particular area.

You have a very special guy there! Enjoy him and enjoy the myth behind his nobleness! It will be fun to hear stories about him growing- Not that he is any better then your 1st born, but I enjoy hearing how these things can affect families, but with me, including numerology and all those things. I am so happy that you had an easy birth, my neice also feels the same way, quick, done and over with.
Enjoy your spring "lamb" !!
Welcome Tripp! So all that waiting and worrying about your buttons laying and you go and
lay early!
Very cool about the "caul" I've never heard of that.. interesting.
My mom had me in a similar manner, I was her 7th child ( and last!) and she told the nurse
in her hospital room that the baby was coming.. the nurse said "oh no, it's too early, the doc
will be coming then we'll decide wether to take you to the delivery room. Well my mom said
um no the baby is coming now and had me right then, the nurse ran around yelling for the doc and was all freaked out and my mom calmly had me right there heheee You don't tell a
mother who's had 6 kids that she doesnt know when the baby is coming LOL

I guess being a "caul" baby totally counteracts the Friday the 13th luck! Also glad you didnt go full term and have him on April 1st! Nobody wants to be called a "fool" all their life!

Please post pics when you have a chance !


Taliesin, from Taliesin, Stephen R. Lawhead's first book of the Pendragon Cycle

From the Wiki page on caul is interesting, I wanted to name our first son this with a different spelling. Not exactly a common name either, and not a common "condition". So weird. I knew we should have named our first son the name I wanted to give him, lol.

Our first son thinks that he's another one of our pets, lol. Now I'm glad that I let him interact with the birds and such. It taught him to be super gentle with his new baby brother. I'll sit on the floor with Tripp in my arms, and Grem will walk up, sit down beside me and just barely touch Tripp's toes and smile. It's absolutely freaking adorable. We still have to work on getting a picture of them together, and we're past due for a professional family shot.

Nancy, I was trying to show the darn buttons how it's done, but they have yet to lay any eggs. Maybe the next troop of buttons will lay early by my example? Lol.​
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Here we go...

Here's a quick snap shot. I'm still waiting on the other pictures.
I didn't want to snap too many, he's not exactly fond of the cameras flashing in his face.


Gremmie's past the weird newborn stage (I guess I'm biased against newborns or something, I think they all look weird), but hopefully this guy turns out to be handsome as well, despite the poor little bug getting my ugly nose! Hopefully he'll skip his dad's cleft chin though, lol.

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