Plucked/picked quail feathers


In the Brooder
Jul 17, 2015
If a button quail gets a bunch of its feathers pulled what happens ? Will they grow back and is it a very traumatic experience for them ? Myself and my quail had an accident today and a bunch of his father's ended up being plucked. After that in the cage he's just been sitting really deep in the bushes, I'm guessing he didn't like it one bit :(
If it is just feathers then it will be fine. They grow back.

You'd probably go & hide too if some bully pulled your close of in front of everyone.
If there isn't any blood, it didn't get squeezed, or it's head banged then it should be fine. Tail feathers being plucked is our version of the black eye. So basically it is sulking that it got its butt kicked.

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