Polish.....but hen or roo?


6 Years
Mar 21, 2013

I bought this polish at TSC a few months ago. It's wild as the day is long and not sure if its a hen or roo. Thanks for any help ;)
Thank you! Sorry to be so ignorant, but what are hackles? Dang, I was so in hopes it was a hen. Surprisingly the polish and my frizzle roo don't fight. They're in a pen w/3 millie fluers, 2 silkies and a silkie mix. I've seen the frizzle in action w/the girls, but never the polish.....yet. Thanks again :)
Hackles are the feathers at the base of there necks near the shoulders. Males will have long, pointy, slender ones and females have shorter, wider, rounded ones. Saddle feathers are those near the base of the tail, on their backs. Males will also have long, skinny, pointy ones of those.

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