Polish Chicken Problem

samantha LW

In the Brooder
Nov 1, 2015
So I have two Polish a hen and a roo. They refuse to sleep inside the coop. I have to go get them off the bunny hutch every night even in the rain. Once I put them in the coop they stay but the only reason i can see that they don't want to be in the coop is the roosting bars. Both chickens like to sleep flat on their faces on the chicken wire portion of the bunny hutch. Has anyone else had this problem? What ideas do you have to make an area where they can sleep flat like that inside? And is that a normal Polish thing?
I just picked up a polish rooster last night and I noticed then and this morning that he sleeps jist like you said

How wide are your roosts?
I have mine 4 inches wide and he seemed happy
Ha! I am glad it is not just mine. My roosts are staggered in height and about a foot and a half apart. When I got them as babies they would run around then just fall over asleep. I was sure they were dying until I realized it was just the Polish and they were sleeping. I have to figure out how to make them a shelf or something to sleep inside on but I don't want it to collect poop.

I took this last night after I picked the birds up


This was this morning after I was able to get to the feed store

He is easier to see in this pic, and not flat on his face, but the first pic he was. ..well, as much as he could be

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