Pampered chicken girl

Premium Feather Member
Apr 10, 2022
If you love polish chickens This Thread is for you. Aren't polish chickens amazing those beautiful Crest those funny personalities what's not to love!
1. Polish love only
2. Try not to get to off topic(
2-3 posts okay but not 1-2 pages)
3. no Polish hate! So none of that the creasts are to large, they are ugly, not useful ect ect
4. Be nice and respect others opinions
5. No arguing
6 have fun and enjoy 😉

we love pics so please post them and chicken keeping tips are not considered off topic unless it gets repetitive or takes the threads goal away.
I can't wait for the Polish fun to come!

This is Nelly my polish
Oh thanks I really needed someone to post a another threat about Polish thanks that's really what I wanted. One of my chickens died today and that's really what I needed to cheer me up
If you love polish chickens This Thread is for you. Aren't polish chickens amazing those beautiful Crest those funny personalities what's not to love!
1. Polish love only
2. Try not to get to off topic(
2-3 posts okay but not 1-2 pages)
3. no Polish hate! So none of that the creasts are to large, they are ugly, not useful ect ect
4. Be nice and respect others opinions
5. No arguing
6 have fun and enjoy 😉

we love pics so please post them and chicken keeping tips are not considered off topic unless it gets repetitive or takes the threads goal away.
I can't wait for the Polish fun to come!

This is Nelly my polish
View attachment 3139062
I didn't know you had Polish chickens,
May I ask a few questions?

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