polish chicks gone wild!


5 Years
May 19, 2014
Nokomis, Florida
My 3 week old polish chicks have become crazy. They run around like I am trying to kill them every time I reach in to pick them up. They are handled daily. They are so terrified that I am afraid they are going to hurt themselves with this over reaction. They run in to the side of the brooder and chirp super load. Once in your hand they are fine and sit calmly and seem to enjoy the attention. I am just afraid they will have a heart attack or the stress will cause a problem. Any thoughts or ideas as to why they are acting like this or how I can break them of this habit?
Try to move slowly or just watch from above for a few minutes while talking to them calmly. Do you have a dusting place for them? (just a pan with sand or dirt). With their new feathers coming in, it's kind of itchy for them. The dusting will make them more comfortable and at ease. I hope this helps. My chicks are at the same stage and the dusting seemed to help. They still run, but not as panached.
Try to move slowly or just watch from above for a few minutes while talking to them calmly. Do you have a dusting place for them? (just a pan with sand or dirt). With their new feathers coming in, it's kind of itchy for them. The dusting will make them more comfortable and at ease. I hope this helps. My chicks are at the same stage and the dusting seemed to help. They still run, but not as panached. 

I have not tried the dusting trick but will give it a go. At this point it could not hurt. Thanks
I have found it to be an age thing... Just keep handling and things should calm down again.

But in my experience polish seem more nervous than other breeds
Polish are very nervous/skittish chickens :barnie. Once the plume grows on top of their head it gets hard for them to see, so they can tend to freak out at movements. Maybe over the generations the nervousness has been bred into them, therefore making the chicks nervous/edgy chicks.
Talking to them before you pick them up is the way to go. :)
Try to move slowly or just watch from above for a few minutes while talking to them calmly. Do you have a dusting place for them? (just a pan with sand or dirt). With their new feathers coming in, it's kind of itchy for them. The dusting will make them more comfortable and at ease. I hope this helps. My chicks are at the same stage and the dusting seemed to help. They still run, but not as panached. 


Sunny is very much enjoying her dusting! Seems to have calmed them for the moment. Maybe they have just been bored? Thanks for the idea!

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