Polish hens is swollen


7 Years
Apr 23, 2012
Louisville Ky
My polish hen looks swollen on one side of her body along her wing and back. It makes her head look like it's pushed to the side a bit. She has no open wounds. What could cause this?
Is there any way you can post a picture of her?

BTW, I'm in Louisville too
She is running around with the other chickens, the only one with this problem.... She was dust bathing yesterday and couldn't roll back to her feet. She's chirping, but not as much as usual. She actually allowed me to hold her. I checked for mites, lice and wounds and found nothing
I'm in Highview!

She definitely looks like she doesn't feel well. It's hard for me to see what's going on though, other than it looks like her crop might be kind of big, but that just could be that she's fluffed up. Have you noticed if her crop is emptying overnight?
I dropped some electrolytes down her beak and she popped right up chirping like a mad hen. I also gave her a bit of oil (I found a link, that's what it said to do)

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