Polish Roo Eastern WV


Mar 17, 2024
Hello! This isn't urgent but I figured I'd make a post for him anyway. I love him but my flock doesn't have any other polish chickens and so he gets bullied and I feel pretty terrible about it all. He's a very sweet boy, if a bit skittish! It's just that he'd probably do a lot better in a flock with others like him. His name's Betty because we thought he'd be a hen as a chick but y'all probably know how well that tends to go..
He did somehow hurt a toe n get a minor bumble semi recently but we've been treating it and keeping an eye on things.
I do hope I've done this right, thank you for taking a look!


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Hello! This isn't urgent but I figured I'd make a post for him anyway. I love him but my flock doesn't have any other polish chickens and so he gets bullied and I feel pretty terrible about it all. He's a very sweet boy, if a bit skittish! It's just that he'd probably do a lot better in a flock with others like him. His name's Betty because we thought he'd be a hen as a chick but y'all probably know how well that tends to go..
He did somehow hurt a toe n get a minor bumble semi recently but we've been treating it and keeping an eye on things.
I do hope I've done this right, thank you for taking a look!
I would love to take him but I already have two roosters. Hope you are able to find a good home for him!

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