Polish Roo gets beat up


11 Years
Jul 18, 2008
Fountain, Florida
Q-tip is my polish rooster. he is about 6 months old now. Here is my problem. I had to take him outta the coop cause he was ALWAYS getting beat up by the hens. We have a dominate rooster (Frank feather foot) & he wasn't the problem. It is the hens beating him up. They pull out his head feathers! I have had him by himself for most of his cute little life now. I kinda wanted him to step up and be a man
I tried putting hens with him in his new area and gosh....it is only like a few days and we notice he is getting pecked again!
SO we'll take the hens out and wait for him to heal up and try again. Like now he is looking good again.

How can I get the girls to stop pecking Q-tip?


Put q- tip in the main coop when he is fully MATURE. Then the ladies will stop picking on him.
I finally put my Polish roo in with the only Polish girl I have a 4 EE girls. They are docile and don't mind him at all. Do you have any dociles like EE's you could put with him?
The bad thing about breeds like the Polish is that they can only see in front of them so that they can't see an attack coming from the side or behind. Even if he is full grown it won't help all that much if the hens decide to be agressive to him.

Whenever I put a new rooster in with my girls he had better be ready to fight because each hen in turn will take a few shots at the new guy. Even if the roo is twice their size. And he had better stand his ground if he wants to earn their respect, if they cut and run I have to take him back out or the hens will make short work of him.
I am going to HAVE to disagree. If you look at a mature polish roo, His top notch is unlike the hens. He has a very GOOD view of his surroundings and the v-comb enhances his ability to see by keeping the feather back from his eyes. Here is a pic.


This is my golden laced polish roo. He is fully matured and VERY aggressive. Believe me, he takes no crud from any other roo.
Thanks everybody!

Hsmamma.....Qtip has a mate, her name is Cotton Top and she pecks him too

dh and I are thinking about getting some more polish this spring and he can be the dominate Roo for them. I'd like to get a group of Frizzles and polish! Those are my favorite chickens. And I'd love some of those Cookoo Marans! Never had those before!

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