Polish Roosters Head


5 Years
May 31, 2016
Michigan (By The Thumb)
Hello Everyone ! Just looking for some answers on why my roosters head looks like this. They're all healthy, happy as far as I can tell. I brought him in today and checked to see if maybe mites or lice were the problem though they've all already been treated and like I suspected, no mites but still no answer to why he looks this way. Anyone have any ideas? And no, he is not molting. Been going on for a few weeks now. Maybe even a month or two. I've been trying to give it time and see if I can find the problem but I'm not sure what it could be.

I think his ladies aren't properly grooming their man . . .
I've got a hen with a similar problem. The pin feathers just don't get preened because, well, he certainly can't reach them. Usually the hens would preen spots like this on a rooster, maybe they're just pecking some of the feathers out instead.
I think he is being pecked and plucked by the other chickens. Get some BluKote spray, and spray his head daily or every other day. This is common with polish chickens. I raised 2, and they both had this done to them at least once or twice a year. One day it can look like your picture, and the next day they can be almost scalped.
He is a very respectful Roo. Maybe to respectful and he's letting my top hens peck him. This is the first Polish I've ever had so I've never had to even deal with a problem like this. Glad nothing is to wrong with him. Thank you guys so much for your help !! I'll invest in some BluKote spray to help get him Handsome, again.
Some look broken (or did you trim them) and picked at to me, but others look like new growth that the sheath has not come off yet. I tend to agree, that they can't preen/groom their head, so on some of those shafts where you see a tiny "tuft" of feather sticking out, see if the outer sheath will peel off.

Just my thoughts.


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