Polish sexing

Thats a tough one looks identical to our polish we wasnt sure either till he started crowing about 4 mths after we got him ours is very very docile in fact too docile our red roo has been pickin his tail and head fathers out had to seperate them
He squats when I come up like my older hens one of the reasons I picked him from the Lady who sold him to me. Its okay though she said she would trade me for a definite hen lol
I agree there is no doubt those are saddle feathers and the fact when I let them out this morning and his hair looked like a mad scientist instead of a nice mushroom top confirmed it lol
I agree there is no doubt those are saddle feathers and the fact when I let them out this morning and his hair looked like a mad scientist instead of a nice mushroom top confirmed it lol

Are you going to keep him? Mine is really good, I have him with an 2 EE Roos, a lavender Orpington roo, molted Cochin roo and a bunch of pullets
No the lady who sold him to me actually messaged me and asked how "she" was doing because it was suppose to be sexed from the hatchery but anywho her roo was actually killed by some ferral dogs and she is going to buy him back from me. I have a cochin and a sizzle roo already and dont think I have enough girls for them to be easy on :/
Thats what I am hoping too!!!!
She apparently is already having her husband fix their chicken yard so I told her I would keep him till it is finished because he shouldnt want to do man things for a few more weeks lol

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