Polish Test...UPDATED!! EGG!!

He is a Cockerel.
Just so that you know some Male Polish do come with out a comb and the same with wattles.

American Standard of Perfection :

Comb - V-shaped, of small size, the smaller the better; set evenly on the head, retreating into the crest;natural absent of comb is preferred.
Wattles - Bearded Varieties -- very small, natural absent of same preferred

Congrats on the surprise egg! Love my polish girl...she laid her first egg yesterday
Glad to hear that she finally layed for you! Now if only my Polish would get their butts in gear and start...
Mine too! I just hope at least one of the other two is a hen. I really didn't want any roosters but I don't see how I can get rid of them. They are the most personable chickens! Can't help but love them.
Uhhh. . . . You sure that's hers?

Polish should only lay WHITE eggs. No brown at all, not even a tint.
It is white! They were all white with the flash, and all brown with the rainy day light...
But in person, the first two are brown, third one is creamy brown, and the last one is white.

I'll get a better picture in natural light.

She layed another one today, and I saw her get off the nest! I'm so happy because now I only have one rooster instead of two! Of my replacement chicks, EE's, one of the two is a rooster. If he is nice I can keep him!
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Congrats. That first egg of her's is definitely odd shaped. I'm still waiting on my two GLP and WCBP to start laying.
Got an EGG! I have 4 chickens that are 27 weeks old and three of them have been laying regularly for 3-4 weeks. Today, I got a fourth eggs! My Polish was clucking and barking and setting in the nest box off and on all day yesterday, then today....Ta Dah:


UPDATED: Added this shot of her back to help others who are trying to figure out their GLP:

There rest of this is the old part of the post:
This is a 28 week old Golden Laced Polish. If you JUST look at the head feathers Pullet or Cockerel? DO NOT LOOK AHEAD YET! This is a test!:


Ok, now look at this, remember, this is a 6 month old bird:


There are no wattles or comb, and this is the same head feathers as in the first picture, just from another angle:

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