Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just hatched out 2 polish crosses. Their dad was a Black Copper Marans, and their mom was a White Creasted Black Polish.

Hi everyone!
I just got an adorable little Silver Polish and I thought that I should find a Polish thread. My baby is the sweetest little thing, she roams around and pecks at just about anything but if I call her or if she is scared she comes running to my hands. Her name is Afrodite because I took some pics of her and she literally posed for the camera like a little glamour goddess. I also changed the spelling from the traditional Greek goddess Aphrodite to Afrodite because of the cute "chicken afro". She is the best little chick.
I have had Polishes before, with two White Crested Blacks who were given to us as replacements for some lost 4-H project birds. There names became Squawkish and Valentine. Squawkish was noisy, nosy, and adventurous, while Valentine was kinda below standard with a hunched, heart-shaped back (hence the name) and crooked toes. They were both really nice birds but each has moved on.
I just love the Polish breed because of their gorgeous crests and unique personalities. Yay Polishes!

Hi everyone! 
I just got an adorable little Silver Polish and I thought that I should find a Polish thread. My baby is the sweetest little thing, she roams around and pecks at just about anything but if I call her or if she is scared she comes running to my hands. Her name is Afrodite because I took some pics of her and she literally posed for the camera like a little glamour goddess. I also changed the spelling from the traditional Greek goddess Aphrodite to Afrodite because of the cute "chicken afro". She is the best little chick.
I have had Polishes before, with two White Crested Blacks who were given to us as replacements for some lost 4-H project birds. There names became Squawkish and Valentine. Squawkish was noisy, nosy, and adventurous, while Valentine was kinda below standard with a hunched, heart-shaped back (hence the name) and crooked toes. They were both really nice birds but each has moved on. 
I just love the Polish breed because of their gorgeous crests and unique personalities. Yay Polishes!


I love my SLP!!!! I can't wait to hatch more out. They are super sweet and kind of jumpy due to the feather fros! Lol!!!
Just fell asleep with the little "afro peep" passed out in my hand. I only love her more every day! She kept waking up and peeping to wake me up and as soon as I woke up she would go back to sleep. She is the feistiest out of all the chicks and she is just so CUTE!

Just fell asleep with the little "afro peep" passed out in my hand. I only love her more every day! She kept waking up and peeping to wake me up and as soon as I woke up she would go back to sleep. She is the feistiest out of all the chicks and she is just so CUTE! 


Aaawweeee!!!!! They are super cute! I just found out that my SLP rooster has not fertilized any eggs. So I trimmed his rump feathers and now I am recollectting eggs to set again. It sucks but I need to make sure he's not infertitle.

These chicks came from an "assorted polish" bin at the local feed store. Anybody know what colors they will turn out to be?
My new polish mixed girls I picked up today. Lol. They are 4 months old and I really hope they grow into Their looks. Lol (I should edit this post to add that only ONE is a polish mix, the other is a mystery hen. Lol



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