Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well Oops!! Daisy, My Polish pictured on the last page, kinda had an accident... She jumped into a heat lamp and singed the feathers on her head nearly off. I was wondering, will they grow back, or will she forever look like a "Monk wearing a Beanie" as my mom puts it. LOL. I have a feeling they should grow back in, seeing as our Ameraucanas that got plucked last month are growing feathers back in already.
Chickens, I tell you!!
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I just set 3 polish eggs under marshie! (at 6:30 PM) she is now the happiest camper alive. smile.png I couldn't resist....LOL. I called my breeder and asked for ameraucana, polish or australorps, but he only had 3 polish...all others were bought that day.

SO I paid $4.50 for 3 eggs.....it will be well worth it, and hopefully I will end up with cool crossed colors, no frizzles, and NO MIXED BREEDS. (its happened twice...trust me. LOL)

NOW 21 DAYS OF WAITING! due to hatch on the 29th.

these are my very first polish as well! I hope everything goes smoothly from now on.

I just set 3 polish eggs under marshie! (at 6:30 PM) she is now the happiest camper alive. smile.png I couldn't resist....LOL. I called my breeder and asked for ameraucana, polish or australorps, but he only had 3 polish...all others were bought that day.

SO I paid $4.50 for 3 eggs.....it will be well worth it, and hopefully I will end up with cool crossed colors, no frizzles, and NO MIXED BREEDS. (its happened twice...trust me. LOL)

NOW 21 DAYS OF WAITING! due to hatch on the 29th.

these are my very first polish as well! I hope everything goes smoothly from now on.

thanks! I am crazy excited!

I did reakize my breeder had 4 different colors in the pens together.....buff, silver laced, gold laced, and top hat.

will I have a possibility of having a pure colored chick? I think its slim.
if he had those 4 colors together, what colors could I end up with? I have never seen a mixed polish color before!

here are a few of his birds. I think he had exactly one hen and roo for each coloring.

quote name="love2grinchicke" url="/t/355316/polish-thread/850_50#post_13205323"]Okay, I would like to know what gender these are. 1: 2: 3: 4: This is Buster: He poses for the camera if you say, "Pose Buster" Ricky: Here's another one: and another one: And Buster again: I hope y'all can help. I need to know if I should look for more roosters! Let me know if I need more pictures [/quote] Personally I think 1,2,3, and Ricky are hens due to their rounder crests. Just personal beginner experience!!! Good luck!!!
thanks! I am crazy excited! I did reakize my breeder had 4 different colors in the pens together.....buff, silver laced, gold laced, and top hat. will I have a possibility of having a pure colored chick? I think its slim. also, if he had those 4 colors together, what colors could I end up with? I have never seen a mixed polish color before! here are a few of his birds. I think he had exactly one hen and roo for each coloring.
Your silver laced are awesome. Mine are only four weeks old and I can't wait to see them full grown. How well do they lay eggs?
just a random question on what the average number of eggs you get from your Polish girls is?

I have 2 that are around 10 months old and had them 10 days now and a total 7 eggs between the two girls (unless they've laid today, they tend to lay in the afternoons) is this about normal?
just a random question on what the average number of eggs you get from your Polish girls is?

I have 2 that are around 10 months old and had them 10 days now and a total 7 eggs between the two girls (unless they've laid today, they tend to lay in the afternoons) is this about normal?
That's actually pretty good. My girls each lay 2-3 per week.

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