Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These pics are awesome
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I acquired this little lady the other day.....I was told pullet?!

At that age, we'd have to start watching wattle area, that's the next giveaway...I can't tell between a chick and then...Love the name!!!
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Hi everyone ..sorry I went MIA, family emergency. .
Ended up with 4 chicks out of 8 that went into lockdown (and 18 total).. I blame the PO, bought from same breeder last year and hatched 11 of 18..
Had another hatch in the meantime, 11 out of 14 that went into lockdown..Silkies, Polish, crosses of the 2, and Japanese game banties..I hatched them sitting up in cartons as opposed to laying them on their side like I usually do and have to say, I'm impressed...I will be doing that from here on out..
I have 6 Tolbunts in lockdown now, lost 2 more (and I think 1 of the 6 is dead), so I'm definitely hovering over the hatcher making sure the temp and humidity is perfect every second.

Oh and just to make Mrchicks happy, my GL/Tolbunt splits arrived, she sent 2 extea for 8 total, and I traded some EE eggs for Muskovy eggs, ..those were all in addition to the paint Silkie eggs (ordered 18, she sent 24) so my bator is full ;)

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