Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

at what age are polish easiest to sex? I am about ready to see if I have boys or girls but I don't know how to sex polish lol
I need help with thus Polish Mix....we call her Aunt B but wondering if she's an Uncle B?
I just got 2 WC black. They were born about April 21. They look identical in the crest and head. One has more black feathers across her brow and she is noticeably bigger. If they lay down next to each other is when I can see size difference the most. Can there be this much size difference in girls? The breeders wing sexed them at day old.

I can't post pictures from my iPad or you know I would.
She is almost 8 weeks....and I'm unsure what she is mixed with. The flock had Orpingtons, Wyandottes, and Polish. Not sure if there were any other breeds....maybe Americana?

I'd say pullet, in that case. Here's what my twins look like at just over 8 weeks (Silver Sebright & Golden Laced Polish mixes):


This is Memnoch.



This is Mercury.

Memnoch started to sprout that forked comb some time after they turned 1 month. I think it would be pretty safe to say yours is probably a pullet. :)
OMG that size of that comb!!! VERY cute birds!! Thank you!!!
Yeah, once he started growing it, it just took off. It's also the reason he's named after a devil character from a novel: it splits off into a fork at the back so he'll look like he have horns once he's fully grown. They are a lot of work but a delight to have around. :)

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