Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so cute

Thank you..I can't tell the other littles that he/she is my favorite. But it definitely is ♡♡
I want tolbunts so bad, but nobody near me has any

I went through close to 40 shipped eggs to get these 3.. In my experience, Polish eggs just don't handle shipping well at all..
These guys came from a breeder on here out of NC, but if you post in the Tolbunt thread or check the Buy, Sell, Trade forums you may find some close to you ?
I have ZERO breeders of anything near me other than backyard mixed flocks...if I want any type of decent birds I have to order eggs from a breeder..I'm kinda anti-chicks or started birds just bc I know how rough USPS is on my eggs, I can't put chicks through that. Some shipped eggs I have amazing results with (26 chicks out of 30 eggs shipped halfway across the country) and then some majorly crappy results (0 out of 18 shipped 2 states away)..but if you're willing to take the risks, you can get almost any breeds shipped eggs..more and more people are shipping day old chicks now so you may get lucky, depending on where you're located
Oh, is it Powder Puff? Just realized who you are! I'd say his eyes will probably turn orange as he gets older, some are really slow to turn. If not, that's really cool and unusual!
Yes, its Powder Puff. I tried to get a picture of his eye, but in the picture it showed it to be all orange. For some reason the camera won't pick up the lines, it just brings out the color. He is sweet heart, and the easiest to catch. Everytime I go walking into the pen, here he comes strutting his stuff.
Yes, its Powder Puff. I tried to get a picture of his eye, but in the picture it showed it to be all orange. For some reason the camera won't pick up the lines, it just brings out the color. He is sweet heart, and the easiest to catch. Everytime I go walking into the pen, here he comes strutting his stuff.

I haven't had Polish but had cockerels of 2 different breeds and while we had them they were way more outgoing curious and human-friendly than any breed of pullet we've ever had. Boys are so much sweeter and check things out more. Out of curious outgoing friendly pullets the best so far I've had are the Breda and Dominique. Ameraucana and Silkies get friendly after a breaking-in time and our Marans and Leghorns were more standoffish but the Breda and Dom are instantly curious even as chicks - checking out your hair, your eyeglasses, your fingernails, your clothing, etc. Most chicks come running up to check for treats and then get bored and run off but Breda and Dom stick around to check you out and/or plop down on or near you to take a nap.
Him and my Blue Lace Red Wyandotte are the only two that are easy to catch. Well besides one more BLRW rooster that I have, but he won't be around very much longer. I have what I guess is an Easter Egger, he is a brat to try and catch. That is how my hens are, I can't walk onto the back porch without them all come running looking for what you have. My one BLRW hen looks trying to peck at your shoes, no matter what color they are. I have a few Dominiques, they are curious little things that's for sure.
Him and my Blue Lace Red Wyandotte are the only two that are easy to catch. Well besides one more BLRW rooster that I have, but he won't be around very much longer. I have what I guess is an Easter Egger, he is a brat to try and catch. That is how my hens are, I can't walk onto the back porch without them all come running looking for what you have. My one BLRW hen looks trying to peck at your shoes, no matter what color they are. I have a few Dominiques, they are curious little things that's for sure.

Never had a Wyans - only had a lot of feedback on them enough to know they wouldn't fit in my flock mix. Never had an EE but have had a couple Ameraucanas and those are kooky spooky jittery jumpy wary very alert birds that will avoid conflict at all cost yet make excellent guardians/sentinels always moving watching and scanning for predators - and really sweet once you get them tamed and they'll fall asleep in your arms. I love Dom chicks - the funniest most active chick breed I've ever had and afraid of practically nothing or no one. We had one that would scream if we left a room and when we came back she did her happy little chirps again - a real people person.

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