Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hold him upside down by the feet when you are around his hens. It shows dominance and shames him. And chickens calm when they are upside down.
Soooooo.....my 2 new bantam polish girls got here yesterday...they are apparently 3mths old. They are huge!!! Also one of them has 5 **** toes....I guess we know where the size comes from then don't we...the joys...people are scheming things sometimes. So very cranky right now

Could also be polish/sultan mix...We breed those, we call them Pultans and they have 5 toes...Most of the time..She is product of White Crested Black Polish Rooster and Sultan Hen crossbreed, we've done the Sultan Rooster and WCB Polish her since, much white, only babies now, I'll post as they progress...Sometimes they have 5 on one foot and 4 on the other! LOL

The irst 5 pics are our darling, "Darlin'" She's our favorite Pultan who's 97% black and still growing...her feet are just starting to feather out..The last 2 pics are some babies we sold...

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Could also be polish/sultan mix...We breed those, we call them Pultans and they have 5 toes...Most of the time..She is product of White Crested Black Polish Rooster and Sultan Hen crossbreed, we've done the Sultan Rooster and WCB Polish her since, much white, only babies now, I'll post as they progress...Sometimes they have 5 on one foot and 4 on the other! LOL The irst 5 pics are our darling, "Darlin'" She's our favorite Pultan who's 97% black and still growing...her feet are just starting to feather out..The last 2 pics are some babies we sold...
spoke to the breeder. She said they all from her polish. She doesnt and never has had houdans or sultans. But she said they do get the odd chick with 5 toes. :-/ as to the sz of them (pretty much standard size) we get some small some big but are seperating the sizes to breed large and bantam
Hi! I am new to BYC and am really trying to find out if my polish is a he or a she?!?!?! He/she is approximately 10-12 weeks old. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!!!
Does anyone know how much an 11 week old polish should weigh? Mine are recovering from coccidiosis and weigh 500 grams they feel skinny so I was wondering where their weight should be.

My broody polish hatched off 4 chicks at the weekend. So pleased for her as the polish are not a known broody breed. I was expecting her to quit or not care for the chicks but she has surprised me and all is well. She is being a great mother hen. Just wanted to post to let all you polish keepers they can go broody!!




Hold him upside down by the feet when you are around his hens. It shows dominance and shames him. And chickens calm when they are upside down.

I will have to try that next time one gas all feisty with me.

My broody polish hatched off 4 chicks at the weekend. So pleased for her as the polish are not a known broody breed. I was expecting her to quit or not care for the chicks but she has surprised me and all is well. She is being a great mother hen. Just wanted to post to let all you polish keepers they can go broody!!





hello friend from another chat group! I should have known you would be here as well.

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