Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just funning with ya! You gotta read thru and find out what's rubbish for yourself! Set up,your incubater and do your own test.
BTW, sexing chicks before they even hatch by just looking at their egg shape is a myth. http://www.avianaquamiser.com/posts/Does_chicken_egg_shape_determine_chick_sex__63__/

Not only that but sex determination in the chicken is established on Day 6 of the 21 day embyonic development. Therefore, sex is determined AFTER the shell is complete

I don't know if this was intended to be rude or helpful. I think it's all in good fun. Not sure where your issue is?
Not rude at all. This is a forum where we can help each other. I'd hate to see someone think they are buying round eggs and getting all pullets only to find out that is not the case though. I have a biology degree so I go looking for evidence when I see things like this and I shared the information I found for anyone else who might be interested. The paper on sex determination in chickens is actually quite interesting. So there is no "issue" anywhere. If you don't find it interesting you don't have to read it, but if it saves someone the heartache of thinking they are going to get a lovely basket of pullets and maybe that's not really the case, that person may want more of the information available. There are many people reading through the threads and doing searches for information on BYC.
So your going of someone else's findings. How many pointy egg batches verses round eggs have you personally hatched ms.biology Madame? Give me the topic to Google&i'll verify my info with their's...no,link I don't do,links pardon my protective vibe. Just the paper&where I can find it if you please.
I have over 50 eggs in incubater. I will repost new pic&count with you round verses pointy&for kicks&giggles let's see what hatches..im non profit(all this that hatches don't belong to me anyhow I have nothing to gain/nothing to loose) might as well make it interesting if ur up for a game of pointy verses smooth. You accept? (we are almost a 5days in. I haven't even candled yet. Totally undisturbed batch. U game?
my point- in life there's ALWAYS an exception to the rule. The rules the rule except for the exception to the rule.
Gonna crash,, will recount&dot pointy eggs verses leave non pointy eggs undoted. With my trusty wax pen method.
Not rude at all. This is a forum where we can help each other. I'd hate to see someone think they are buying round eggs and getting all pullets only to find out that is not the case though. I have a biology degree so I go looking for evidence when I see things like this and I shared the information I found for anyone else who might be interested. The paper on sex determination in chickens is actually quite interesting. So there is no "issue" anywhere. If you don't find it interesting you don't have to read it, but if it saves someone the heartache of thinking they are going to get a lovely basket of pullets and maybe that's not really the case, that person may want more of the information available. There are many people reading through the threads and doing searches for information on BYC.

So your going of someone else's findings. How many pointy egg batches verses round eggs have you personally hatched ms.biology Madame? Give me the topic to Google&i'll verify my info with their's...no,link I don't do,links pardon my protective vibe. Just the paper&where I can find it if you please.
I have over 50 eggs in incubater. I will repost new pic&count with you round verses pointy&for kicks&giggles let's see what hatches..im non profit(all this that hatches don't belong to me anyhow I have nothing to gain/nothing to loose) might as well make it interesting if ur up for a game of pointy verses smooth. You accept? (we are almost a 5days in. I haven't even candled yet. Totally undisturbed batch. U game?
I'm sorry but I have to decline your offer, I'm currently not interested in a hatching game. Personally, yes, I have enough faith in the scientific method to lend at least a little credence to the findings published in a peer reviewed scientific journal. I am not forcing or even requesting that you personally believe it. I simply shared my opinion and backed it up with the facts I used to form my opinion. You can ignore it, it's ok, I won't be offended, but the information is there for anyone else who might want to see both sides and is interested in learning. As for finding the information, I simply typed into Google "can you tell the sex of a chicken from the shape of the egg". The very first one to pop up in the search is My Pet Chicken, who I would venture a guess hatches more chickens than either of us and they said, " There is no way to tell the difference between an egg that will hatch a female chick and an egg that will hatch a male chick (excluding, perhaps, intra ova DNA testing). Instead, there are lots of old wives' tales out there, most of which have to do with the shape of the egg..." The information specific to the article I linked is : Chue, J. and Smith, C.A. "Sex Determination and sexual differentiation in the avian model" the FEBS Journal mini review, 278 (2011) 1027-1034

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