Polish unsteady on feet


7 Years
Sep 14, 2016
Florida Panhandle

Any clue why this Tolbunt Polish is so unsteady on his feet? Hes always tripping when running, falling when eating, etc. and his one wing is always over his tail. Doesn’t appear sick, eats drinks and plays/runs all day. Only one of my chickens like this. He’s always been clumsy, but I’m wondering if maybe a vitamin deficiency, or something else? Little roo is 9 weeks old today.
Not sure if works same I had duck same thing. I was told give them peas because vitamin it helped him get stronger on feet and walk steady after week or do. Hope helps. I just got my first 2 polish pullets just love them. Good luck

My chicks and the ducks loved peas as treats.
Do you know what vitamins I should add to his diet?
400 I.u vitamin E and a sliver of a B complex tablet every day for a few weeks.
Not sure if works same I had duck same thing. I was told give them peas because vitamin it helped him get stronger on feet and walk steady after week or do. Hope helps. I just got my first 2 polish pullets just love them. Good luck

My chicks and the ducks loved peas as treats.
Peas contain niacin, which can help but if your bird is struggling, they need real supplements. :]

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