Political bumper stickers. Good idea or bad idea?

It depends on what it is, and the consequences you wish to face. I know people who have political and religious jabs on their cars that never have a problem, and I have heard one person tell me she once found her neighbor prying the Darwin fish off of her car because it offended said neighbor. the biggest concern would be your work and social life. Even if an employer or potential client agrees, they may find the potentially divisive statement to be a show of unprofessional behavior.

That being said I have a window decal that says "cowgirl up" with a woman barrel racing, and I have a bumper sticker given to me by a friend that says "Love should not hurt, stop domestic violence" With a number for the local DV hot line.

Under the right circumstances it could open up a line of discussion.

Also, to the commenter about being offended, it is all well and good to mock people for their feelings, until you yourself become offended.
The freedom of speech, include the freedom for people to become offended, and to state their reasons for why they disagree. To mock this freedom in action, is in itself, a form of censorship, a way to shame another into denying their feelings towards your own. But that is just my opinion.
Totally up to you - your political views are just that....yours! It is your choice if you want to advertise your views, and your choice if you want to keep your views to yourself = This is the great thing about the country we live in we have our own choices!
I have a "Take Back America" sticker on my truck. It has offended a number of the people I work with. Too bad! It offends me that people are willing to give up their constitutional rights one by one and not even question it.
"Part of (our) freedom of speech is the freedom to be offended."

That is a very deep line and well stated line.

The same right that each of us have in freedom of speech needs
to be respected when another person dares to disagree with what
you have said.

Spook got it right.

I have the freedom to believe what I want to believe. I have the freedom to say almost anything that I want to say. Personally though, I try to filter what I say so as not to purposefully hurt other people. Yes, people seem to get their panties in a wad about everything these days and yes, they should pretty much get over themselves. But if I put a bumper sticker on my car knowing that it is going to either hurt someone or make them angry, than I am at fault. I should not intentionally be hateful.
Cupman, I think the very fact you're asking this says you don't want this on your car.

Anything like this that's polarizing should be something you're quite passionate about!

my only sticker on my car is supporting our local nursery that's part of the employment for the developmentally delayed.
I have the right to keep my opinion to myself................................................................... But I don't usually have the willpower.
Cupman, I think the very fact you're asking this says you don't want this on your car.

Anything like this that's polarizing should be something you're quite passionate about!

my only sticker on my car is supporting our local nursery that's part of the employment for the developmentally delayed.

out of all the vehicles I've had, i only put 1 sticker on this one old jalopy i had. when i saw the sticker i had to buy it and stick it on my old beater. it read " i brake for tail gators "

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