Poll for those who have had chicken deaths

What have you lost your chickens to?

  • Mink/weasel

  • Bird of prey

  • Skunk/opossum

  • Fox/coyote/dog

  • Disease

  • Weather (Heat, cold)

  • Other

  • Raccoon

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Bobcat...jumped through a weak spot in my bird netting - although, maybe the entire bird netting was a weak spot. Only got one of my hens, though, as my wife saw it out there, and I hightailed out there and scared it into the corner of the tractor run where I was able to lift it up and the cat took off.

No more bird netting for me, but rather 2"x4" fencing for the run "roof." I was lucky we were home.

Edited to add: Also put polywire around my run and over the top of the run (in case they jump up on top).
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I just lost all of my birds to a mink. In the past I’ve also lost hens to foxes, one even died from a mysterious disease. I’m curious to know what other people have had the most trouble with. Select any of the things below that has killed a chicken of yours!
Foxes never got at our flock until the rooster(s) were given to our grandparents. Then they got 4 or so. :(
The notorious red-tail hawks never succeeded, though they almost got a broody.
Two hens have died of heat stroke (both while we were away :().
And there have been many illnesses, either foreign to us, or too late, and we had to cull. We even had one go to mite overload. 😬
Just had a raccoon break into mine last night got my black onyx hen and rooter with a bad eye injury from the struggle. Knowing my rooster that raccoon did not leave unharmed
I haven't lost any of my chickens. I work from home and have big windows where I can see the sky. II also have motion detecting cameras on the sky above my yard that goes off when hawks fly too low. Lots of bushes, for them to hide in. 3 little ferocious savage Chorkies that have accepted the chickens as part of the pack and vice-versa, but who salivate at the opportunity the get one of the hawks again. They jumped a hawk once using the chickens as bait. A hawk flew low then landed next to the bushes where the chickens were hiding and the dogs jumped out of the bushes and ripped it to shreds before it could take back off. Surprise! By the time I got out there, well I don't need to go into details here. The dogs were not interested in eating it, just protecting their turf. The chickens actually picked it clean. Didn't see the hawks for months after that. Guess they got the message.
I guess I should have added dog due to chicken stupidity but didn't. Might fall under the 'other' category but what else do you call it when chickens commit suicide by going into a fenced in area holding four cattle dogs?

I've also lost chickens to stray cats but have to admit that I only started losing birds to predators when I started free ranging my extra roosters.
Oh also I have a trap with sardine cans in it and I get the occasional raccoon or possum in there. One chicken gets caught in there sometimes, but no harm done. I have a camera on it so when it triggers I get a text message right away and go out to investigate. Always is the same chickens going in there.

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