Poo Poll

Do you remove turds from nest boxes by hand?

  • NEVER! That's disgusting! what's wrong with you peeps!

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Well, I don't make it a practice, but once in awhile...

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Sure, if I'm there, I'll pick one out for clean eggs!

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Sep 25, 2007
Alright, I was in the barn collecting eggs the other day. When I opened the lid on one nest box, there was a hen turd in the box. I collected the egg, then gingerly picked out the turd & dropped it out in the run. I think my brother almost gagged.

Thing is, I pride myself on clean eggs. I have had many comments on how clean my hatching eggs are...the reason for that is that I keep my nest boxes as clean as possible. The hens don't typically poo in the nest boxes, but if they do & I happen to see it...I'm not opposed to picking it out. (Oh, I should also ad that I do carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer in my coat pocket at all times!)

Anyway, I got to thinking...maybe that IS totally disgusting...or, maybe most folks do this...? Just curious, and thought it might be a fun poll. Remember that you don't have to post if you don't want to...so we'll never know who picks turds from nest boxes unless you decide to post!
I don't so much have problems with the poo, but sometimes my eggs seem to be covered with hard-to-get-off wood shavings. Most of the time the eggs don't seem to be affected by the shavings. What can I do about that? It seems to happen more on really cold days.
I do that all the time...much to the dismay and disgust of my DD and DH!! If it's a messy one I kinda scoop up some shavings with it and get it outta there, but otherwise I say just grab it!
Can't stand dirty eggs....dirty hands is all part of the joy of chickens!
Sure, what's a little poo among friends? It washes off.
I love my birds more than I'm bothered by poo.
??? You mean this is not normal?

Of course I am also comfortable handpicking the occasional "apple" from my horses' stalls too.

Somehow - IMHO - non-carnivorous poop is not disgusting to handle.

I will NEVER be caught emptying a litterbox barehanded
I was gonna say that but Sheila beat me to it. I think anyone who has changed a diaper wouldn't mind picking up a poo and dropping it in the run.
I pick it out by hand.

I've raised two kids and helped raise a whole passle of neices and nephews. If only chicken poo was the worst thing I've ever had in my hands.

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