

Feb 5, 2019
Australia, QLD

Its been horrible for me...
I got to youmg bantams and one was attacked in the coop on thursday by a snake .. :( swallowed to the base of the neck amd then spat back out for some reason. No sign of the snake. I cant believe this has hPpened to my baby,,,,
The other baby is so upset, because they were glued together :( :(
And she kept staring at the spot where she was laying dead even after we buried her.
Anyways.. later that day i took the little bantam inside as she was just clueless and standing there alone. Also notice she had a scrach w a bit if skin off her little face. And then i noticed she was panting realllly heavy n quick.. and each hour passing it got worse n worse and she started sounding really bad.. like something is blocking her airways.. thrn she started shaking her head and mucus came out ..
She stopped doing stuff i took her to the vets and she said her lungs sound noisy and looks like a respitory infection. But there was no sign of that yesterdat... got her on antibiotics and anti inflammatorys.. she seems better today a bit already.. only two n a half days of treatment..

But on thursday i noticed she pood dark yellow coloured yelly with red bits in it.. u though it was normal probably
Intestinal lining... but she keeps
Pooing it more n more every second poo has it in there n keeps looking more red, the last one i happened upon looks like :

I just wanted to ask u what u think and if its normal.

PLus as the chickens are too afraid to sleep in the coop now thet came knocking on my veranda door when it was already dark wanting to get inside.. so i made them all a spot in the garage... very haopy in there. They only go to the pen once a day when they need to lay an egg and then they r out of there. And i found a damn tapeworm in the poo of one of the chickens...
went to the vets to show the pic m she said it looks like cats tapeworm but i dont belive her. I told her we dont have any cats anywhere near. She said to tAke it in to them on monday to have a look and wanted to give me the Ivomec wormer but i read about that wormer and its said that this wormwr wont kill tapeworm... and when i got home the worm was gone. I had left it on a bench top near a sink in the garage. Chooks werent in the gArAge nobody was home so doors r locked. There was only a dried shApe of where the worm used to be .. wth
I'm sorry for your loss :hugs

How old are your chickens?

That poop is not normal to me. I don't believe I've ever seen large tapeworm like that in photos coming chicken. @dawg53 @Eggcessive

Of course checking with your vet again would always be best. But, if it were me, I would treat for worms and Coccidiosis.

Since you are in AU, I'm not sure what you can get, but Praziquantel would be what I would use to treat Tapeworms. https://www.backyardchickens.com/th...rms-under-construction.1220309/#post-19519143
The bloody/mucousy poop may be from the worms, but it would be a good idea to have your vet run a fecal float to check for a Coccidiosis overload as well.

Hopefully the others will chime in.
I'm sorry for your loss, too. It's heartbreaking to lose a featherbaby in an attack, I know. And yes, chickens can be traumatized and not want to go back to where an attack happened, It may take them quite awhile to stop being afraid of it. It's potentially possible that you could change the scent of the coop with garlic powder and they would stop smelling the scent of death and the predator, so they could start relaxing a bit more while in the coop.

I agree with @Wyorp Rock that looks like an extremely large tapeworm to be from a chicken, and that that poo definitely doesn't like just cecal poo.

I'm glad you have a vet that will work with you - that's one thing few of us actually have access to. I agree on the fecal float test, and testing for cocci and worms.
I'm sorry for your loss :hugs

How old are your chickens?

That poop is not normal to me. I don't believe I've ever seen large tapeworm like that in photos coming chicken. @dawg53 @Eggcessive

Of course checking with your vet again would always be best. But, if it were me, I would treat for worms and Coccidiosis.

Since you are in AU, I'm not sure what you can get, but Praziquantel would be what I would use to treat Tapeworms. https://www.backyardchickens.com/th...rms-under-construction.1220309/#post-19519143
The bloody/mucousy poop may be from the worms, but it would be a good idea to have your vet run a fecal float to check for a Coccidiosis overload as well.

Hopefully the others will chime in.

Thank you! :hugs :(.
Bantam about 6 months old ..
Thank you so much!! I think i can get that wormee but i only saw one in tablet form, it didnt mention chickens on it, just said caged birds and something else. I could get that tomorrow..
I will go to vets again monday then too!
I'm sorry for your loss, too. It's heartbreaking to lose a featherbaby in an attack, I know. And yes, chickens can be traumatized and not want to go back to where an attack happened, It may take them quite awhile to stop being afraid of it. It's potentially possible that you could change the scent of the coop with garlic powder and they would stop smelling the scent of death and the predator, so they could start relaxing a bit more while in the coop.

I agree with @Wyorp Rock that looks like an extremely large tapeworm to be from a chicken, and that that poo definitely doesn't like just cecal poo.

I'm glad you have a vet that will work with you - that's one thing few of us actually have access to. I agree on the fecal float test, and testing for cocci and worms.

Oh thank you so much! Such sweet people Im so glad to have this support from understanding adorable people!

Im Also so stressed and anxious and i dont even want them to ever sleep in fheir coop again.. i want to build them a house with sealable windows n door ... it would be so expensive but id have to, so i could for once be able to sleep well at night. Also looking into making snake traps....
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So sorry about your dead bantam, and now dealing with this. Do you think something in the garage may have eaten the tapeworm that you saved? Each tapeworm segments contains a number of larvae. Usually you will see the tapeworms segments in the dropping, and those look like pieces of rice, but are moving. You may only see them in one chicken. Tapeworms have an intermediate host such as flies, snails, slugs, and worms. Removing those in your environment can help to prevent them once you treat for them. Below is a video of tapeworms segments moving in a dropping. The best treatment for tapes in chickens is praziquantel which you can get in a horse wormer or in tablets. Here are some links and a video:


I'm so sorry for what happened to your bantam. There are some things you can do that can help keep snakes out of your coop. Many are not expensive, just mostly labor, some would require some materials. Using 1/4 " hardware cloth over openings will keep snakes out, baby snakes can fit through anything larger. Putting barriers up, some at outward angles of 30 degrees, will keep them from climbing over as many can climb well. There are many sites with many ideas, here are a few.

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