Pool/pond cleaning?


5 Years
Nov 24, 2016
Central Texas
I'm almost done with the barn I'm building for my birds. The run is the next project. I'm probably going to give my ducks something to swim in, what is the best approach for keeping the water cleanish? I was thinking of putting a drain in and draining it out when ever it's nasty but that got me thinking that just dumping it somewhere would cause a major fly problem (I already got about all the biting flies I care to deal with). Is there a 'best' method of disposing of that water? Or, is there a viable way of actually keeping the water clean without needing to dump constantly?
I have five call ducks. To swim in, I have provided a kiddie pool. About once a week it's bailed out. The water is used on some potted fruit trees.
Go to Lowe's to the sump pump department and buy a good (about $99.00) General Pump. I can empty a 300 gallon pond in less than 5 minutes. I also use a strainer to get anything bigger out. A 35 foot hose drains the water into a garden spot and smell is not a problem. Good luck.
During August and September when our ducks natural water gets low or dries up, we use small tubs (smaller than kiddie pools). Currently we have three of them, and we fill them in the morning and refill maybe twice a day. The volume of water is small enough that it's easy to manage (and our ducks' pasture is next to the garden). We used a kiddie pool one season, and we won't go back to that. I know people say they empty it once a week, but I can't see doing that--it's a mess after a day. We've come to appreciate that the ducks do just as well in much lower volume water, and it's so much easier to manage.


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