Pools for ducks


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 16, 2013
I am looking to add some more water sources to our runs. I currently have a small kiddie pool and and 25 gallon tub from tractor supply. A pond is not an option. I wanted to get a bigger kiddie pool but wanted some suggestions. What do you guys use, where is the best place to get them? Thanks
I actually was going to use a hot tub I got for free. Decided that it would be a lot more work than preformed ponds.... But If that is something you could do look in classifieds or Craigslist most of the time someone is giving one away for free
We Just use a small black plastic tub from TSC. It's much easier to keep clean and they can easily get in and out, most of them anyhow. Ours won't use steps or anything so we've had to keep it very short or they can't get to it.

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