Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

Thanks for the great idea! coop is built, roosts and trays are up, loving the clean up! my roosts are approx 3 inches above the poop trays (due to room, the one at the back is about 3" from the bottom of the tray, the one on the right is I think 3.5 or 4 inches off) and my boards are 17 and 20 inches wide. We'll see how well the 17 inch one works (the one on the side), that one we may have to make bigger, but my husband didn't want to buy another sheet of plywood, I told him we could try it and see if it works ok, if not, we'll be buying another sheet of plywood. (so far so good though) the roost at the back is about 20 inches off the ground. I blocked off the nesting boxes as it will be awhile yet. Here 3 the girls are on the edge of the poop tray, but they settle on the roost at night. They were fighting over the lower roost, now they fight over the upper one :/ Thank you for this thread and idea!
Will be interested to see if the 17" works with the 3" height...I think the closer to the board the roost is the narrower the board can be.
I love how neat and clean new coops look. I think the downside to making the board narrow will be the tail feathers of larger birds. We moved the roost forward away from the wall because our rooster is much bigger than the hens and his lovely tail feathers were breaking from repeated contact with the wall. He is a smart boy and uses the bar with the greater tail room.
I love how neat and clean new coops look. I think the downside to making the board narrow will be the tail feathers of larger birds. We moved the roost forward away from the wall because our rooster is much bigger than the hens and his lovely tail feathers were breaking from repeated contact with the wall. He is a smart boy and uses the bar with the greater tail room.
That's a good point.....my roost is one foot away from the wall and the rooster faces the wall due to not enough tail feather room.
I love how neat and clean new coops look. I think the downside to making the board narrow will be the tail feathers of larger birds. We moved the roost forward away from the wall because our rooster is much bigger than the hens and his lovely tail feathers were breaking from repeated contact with the wall. He is a smart boy and uses the bar with the greater tail room.
Agreed...roosts should always be a minimum of 1 foot away from a wall, especially with larger breeds.
Good point Glasshen, I'll have to keep an eye on it as they grow and see if they fit or not. My guess is we'll be making it bigger, it is ok for now though. :)
Good point Glasshen, I'll have to keep an eye on it as they grow and see if they fit or not. My guess is we'll be making it bigger, it is ok for now though. :)

The way your coop is set up though, they might always want to face the window, back to the wall.

This means, that if it -is- a problem, you might be able to move the roost forward, and have everything work perfectly.

Sure is a beautiful coop!
Hi all. I have been debating, whether or not to share how I am doing my coop...but, here goes. I have poop boards under natural tree perches. I raised exotics for years, so I always tried to replicate Mother Nature as best as I could, with lots of success. So, I made DH cut down some trees ...and placed them 14 inches from the wall, with poop boards, under them, with a lip.They are varied enough in circumference, that the chickens can find what they want. I also only have them 34 inches off the floor...that way, no one is landing too hard on their feet. But, instead of just PDZ...I use Fiber Gold WITHOUT molasses. I then mix in the PDZ with it the Fiber Gold is a little pricey, but it really works. It's a horse feed that is cut and dried, like three times. So, it's not dusty at all. But, here's where everyone laughs, until,they see it in action.....I clean it with plastic salad tongs. You know, where one side is a fork, and the other a spoon? I clean in a matter of minutes..and it composts wonderfully...the poop sticks to the hay, PDZ mixture, is easy to pick up, and I can add more when I need to, or do a complete clean out in a matter of minutes. I see that Lucerne Farms has a new product out, that I'm waiting for my farm store to get in. It's called Koop Clean. It might be my dream come true...it is basically Fiber Gold with PDZ and some small wood shavings...has anyone used this yet? If so, do you like it?

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