Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

We are currently building our second chickie house and are going to use poop boards but I was wondering what everyone is doing for the floor. We are going to use plywood but do I need to but a finish on it or will it be okay. Going to use wood shavings on the floor. Since the poop will mostly be on the poop boards I was just wondering about the floor. I know a lot of people use vinyl flooring but is that really needed with the poop boards.
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Blackjack roofing rubber, for the coop floor. Mix well with a drill mixer for 5 gallon paint buckets for at least 15 min until it MIXES I will MIX eventually: spread wITh roller or brush

I'm still trying to figure out how they got poop on the ceiling of the grow out coop.
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If you look at these pictures this is the Black Jack, on the floors and painted 16 inches up the side walls to keep the moisture off of my wooden floors and walls. I use sand in my coops, and then I put the concrete mixing pans under my roosts that fold up into the walls so I can just pull them out and scoop the poop with kitty litter scoop and put them right back in. When they get really discusting I can take them out and wash them in Oxine and start over again, all plastic and tough.
Here is a picture that loaded sideways, but you can see the sand in the floor and the roost box under the roosts. This is my breeding pens they are 4 of them on one side 4x4, with attached covered 4x16 foot runs, also with sand in them.
We are currently building our second chickie house and are going to use poop boards but I was wondering what everyone is doing for the floor. We are going to use plywood but do I need to but a finish on it or will it be okay. Going to use wood shavings on the floor. Since the poop will mostly be on the poop boards I was just wondering about the floor. I know a lot of people use vinyl flooring but is that really needed with the poop boards.
They still poop on the floor at times other than when they are roosting...especially during bad weather when they stay inside the coop all day.

I have vinyl on my floor with large flake pine shavings....I really like it because the poop might stick a bit but pops off.....and I have vinyl lining my roost boards too.
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I have vinyl squares and on top of that I have flake shavings as well. If I don't get up to let them out earlier than they get up, there is some poo on the shavings, not much though, easy pick up. my shavings are deep so nothing gets on the floor. So you may be fine with just the plywood if your shavings are deep enough.

Is this normal? They are 2-3 weeks old. This is my first batch of chicks. Not poop boards I know but it's poop related :)

Is this normal? They are 2-3 weeks old. This is my first batch of chicks. Not poop boards I know but it's poop related
This should be posted in the Raising Chicks forum.
Looks like a pretty big intestinal shedding, I'd keep an eye on it....and start a new thread in the Raising Chicks forum, you'll get more feedback.
My hubby is amazing. Today we built our new poop boards and got them installed. My new chickie coop is way beyond what I ever expected. I'm getting so excited.


Here's a picture of my new coop. Still :Dhave some trim work to do on the outside. :D

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