Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

Love the barrel roof! What is Sweet PDZ?
The mineral zeolite and it is a life saver for chicks, reptiles, horses, cows, and whatever animal, poultry, or mammal you chose to use it with. Your chicks can even eat it and mine do it is safe. It takes out the odor, reduces the flies also and just all around yuck from poop.
Looks so good. Hmmmm. Might need to rethink my coop too. I don't like DLM either and end up doing a clean out every two weeks. I've got a mountain of used bedding now.
I didn't like the idea of a bare poop board (smelly messy yuck) but with the lip and PDZ .... I'm all for that! Thanks for sharing a great solution.
PDZ?? I missed that one...
PDZ?? I missed that one...
Do you mean stall fresh or zeolite granules or powder? That is what it is the abbreviation for. Don’t mind aart above. He doesn’t realize that some of the older posts though not being removed by the admin staff for whatever reason- laziness or perhaps because as I have thought that they share important information for all BYC members both older and newbie members have good info. So if you are reading them and slip up like all of us newbies apparently do and apparently make a MISTAKE????? And ask a question which is what I would think is the norm of what would be done with all posts left up on the boards.... Whether out of date or not if left up here as acceptable practice. I mean like who really cares....the thread date police...or oh yes the admin folks?aart?????
Do you mean stall fresh or zeolite granules or powder? That is what it is the abbreviation for. Don’t mind aart above. He doesn’t realize that some of the older posts though not being removed by the admin staff for whatever reason- laziness or perhaps because as I have thought that they share important information for all BYC members both older and newbie members have good info. So if you are reading them and slip up like all of us newbies apparently do and apparently make a MISTAKE????? And ask a question which is what I would think is the norm of what would be done with all posts left up on the boards.... Whether out of date or not if left up here as acceptable practice. I mean like who really cares....the thread date police...or oh yes the admin folks?aart?????
My, my, my someone's sounding a bit cranky this morning....

Might suggest a visit to the "coffee thread" or "Granny's laughing thread" to cheer you up?

FWIW when someone points out an age of a post in reply - as politely as @aart did (btw that user is a She) ;) - they are also suggestion the idea of using the search function to see any current threads. And given the detail she pointed out on the subject of sands limitations from experiencial data points - did you miss that? That kind of historical update/feedback I have also recently seen in a few threads by folks AND in (scratches forehead) 2-3 articles as well. One example was stuff like feeding buckets where they update what either failed or found a better tweak. Heck there was a thread over in the ford truck enthusiasts sub forum for the 7.3L diesel platform that showed some folks returning to stuff from like 10 yr old data and it was impressive to read their hindsight self critiques.

This is a reasonable & helpful behavior I have seen in other forums all my life- as I just babbled on above... I have BOTH been on the receiving end as well as giving end too. Well, at least the last 24+/- years if ya wanna get technical with the Ultimate Subaru message board being started back about 1996? Butidigress...
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Ok, so my first coop was done without poop boards-I simply loaded up the floor with sand figuring that would be easy enough to sift the poop out of. Well, the plan sounded good in theory but I found it didn't work so good in reality. Don't get me wrong, the poop scoops out of the sand BUT- the sand SMELLS even after the poop is gone. Also, it is a dusty mess while scooping and I need to take frequent breaks just to breath fresh air. Still better though than changing out shavings weekly (I don't like DLM).

So when we built our 2nd coop we decided to try poop boards
WOW, what a difference. We built a waist high shelf and then added a lip all around and filled it with Sweet PDZ, LOVE IT!!!! I simply sift the poop up every day or two but you certainly can leave it longer if you had to. The Sweet PDZ keeps it from smelling at all. And the best part- NO DUST when scooping. It's almost like sifting flour. It is very zen like to clean and I tend to get carried away and make designs for my girls ( I know, I have issues

Anyway, thought I would share my experience and of course some pics

Did you use the powder form of Sweet PDZ? It looks like it but I’m not completely sure. Looks great, I think I’m going to try this.
Did you use the powder form of Sweet PDZ? It looks like it but I’m not completely sure. Looks great, I think I’m going to try this.
FYI, the products available back then might have been dust or snad-like granules.

The stuff I see currently (I have been using for about 6 months now) is a granular-sand like stuff. Depends on the number of chicks and how much excrement they give you as to how often a refill of PZD/pdx what-evah needs to be poured and leveled off.

The logic I have read seems to be about 1/8"-1/2" deep on the poop-board. I'm in the 1/4"+ realm with the idea of the leveler I learned of in here with 2 screws into a 2x4 .
I can get a 25lb bag to last ~2 weeks in a ~24" x ~7' area. I think.... Ymmv

BTW welcome to the forum too.

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