Poopie Butt

Again Thank you Thank you Thank you! I do clean every day, I'm on my way to the store to get the molasses and yogurt I already had the apple cider vinegear because I was told this before I even built my coop. Did I say thank you!

Lol...yes you did...and again, you're welcome. We are all here to help one another. You can put the acv in your other pets water too (the dogs pictured are yours?).

Anyone who suggests "putting their entire flock down" has either been terribly misinformed or just doesn't want to take the time and care for their chicks/flock. In that case, they probably shouldn't have any animals in their possession, period.

Pasty butt is very common and very curable!! Just takes a little effort, hands on care and love
Defnently trying the yogurt... I always have problems with poopie chicks

Sometimes chicks don't like the yogurt....in that case, the acv in their water is best. My chicks are not crazy about yogurt, period. If you have the funds, you can get the powdered probiotics to put in with their food. If you start them on this regimen as soon as you get them home/into the brooder, the pasty butt will be a thing of the past!
Poopie butt is just part of being a 'chickie momma'. I'm no scientist but I would imagine it has something to do with going from absorbing all of their nutrients from the yolk for several days then the 'shock' to their little digestive systems of the 'starter grower' crumbles. As it can quickly become fatal to the chick without prompt intervention and cleaning it needs careful and frequent monitoring. Fortunately this part of it normally only lasts a couple of days but - last time I had chicks - several months ago - I got lax about the 4th day and had stopped cking them all for pasty butt ( there were 50 of them ) and I found one dead and - sure enough - the culprit appeared to have been pasty butt that I had not noticed.
Lol...yes you did...and again, you're welcome. We are all here to help one another. You can put the acv in your other pets water too (the dogs pictured are yours?).

Anyone who suggests "putting their entire flock down" has either been terribly misinformed or just doesn't want to take the time and care for their chicks/flock. In that case, they probably shouldn't have any animals in their possession, period.

Pasty butt is very common and very curable!! Just takes a little effort, hands on care and love
I did what you said and everything is going great. Yes the dogs are mine brown one is Depeche Mode and gray one is Clutch. I will definately try it in the dogs water.
I did what you said and everything is going great. Yes the dogs are mine brown one is Depeche Mode and gray one is Clutch. I will definately try it in the dogs water.

Good to hear, just keep monitoring them and cleaning bottoms if need be....sounds like they're in good hands! Love your dog's names!
Thanks, I had my dogs names picked out before I even got them LOL. My cats on the other hand came with their names and I didn't change them, start, betty, and pacey. And then there is of course my son's hamster sierra who constantly plays dead, then she is running on the well three hours later drives me nuts. So you can image when I first saw the chicks sleeping on their faces even though I knew it would happen.
Thanks, I had my dogs names picked out before I even got them LOL. My cats on the other hand came with their names and I didn't change them, start, betty, and pacey. And then there is of course my son's hamster sierra who constantly plays dead, then she is running on the well three hours later drives me nuts. So you can image when I first saw the chicks sleeping on their faces even though I knew it would happen.

Sounds like you have your hands full! I have two indoor cats as well, and a backyard full of chickens....I'd love to have about 20, but county says only 10, no roosters
Yes my hands are full but I love it. I love in the city and can have quite a few depending on the space available and of course no roosters. But I think 6 good layers is all we need egg wise, but we want out frizzle hens later on, and two Muscovy ducks.
Just pick the poo off & dab their vent with a little vaseline to keep anymore from sticking. Check them daily until you're sure they're over it. Most of all, enjoy your new babies!
Yes my hands are full but I love it. I love in the city and can have quite a few depending on the space available and of course no roosters. But I think 6 good layers is all we need egg wise, but we want out frizzle hens later on, and two Muscovy ducks.

Oooo ducks and chickens...lol...prepare for quite a mess!!

So how are all of the babies doing today? Anymore problems?

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