Poopie Butt

That's a great set up! My chicks are 2 1/2 & 3 1/2 weeks old... They love to flap their wings and cause trouble. I can't believe how many feathers they have already. I love watching them interact or chase each other when one gets a treat. They are fun to have :)
That's awesome mine are at the same stage. They run n jump pretending to fly n land on our hands n proceed upwards and they wont get off of you, they are so sweet b feathering out quickly
Love seeing and hearing about all of the chicks!!

My 3 girls are practically stepping on each other and I still have them in a 3 x 4 brooder box. They are pretty much feathered out with just a little bit of fluff in a few spots. Their combs are starting to get a hint of red to them too!

I am in the process of getting all the materials together to build my own coop, I'm almost there, and it will be none too soon! I think I may still have to bring them back in at night, it's getting warmer but not quite enough for them to stay outside permanently.

I candled my 6 eggs in the incubator two days ago; 3 are a definite yes and 3 are undetermined. Candling again tomorrow night (Friday) and we'll see what happens.

It's apple cider vinegar, search it on byc and you can find more info. You can get it at grocery stores. The kind with "the mother" in it is the best. Sometimes it's in the organic section of stores. A little of that in the water for the first week or so will help with their gut. It's funny, I first heard of acv on backyard chickens, since then I've learned how good it is for people too, it's pretty cool stuff ;) good luck!

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