Pooping on eggs


13 Years
May 21, 2008
My MW hen is still broody setting on 12 eggs, she has started pooping on them, she will not even leave the nest. What should I do, I am afraid if I wash them it will clog the pores but if I don't then the bacteria will kill them anyways. Suggestion would be fantastic, thanks everyone.
What does she have in the nest as litter? We use wheat straw and when the hen turns them the straw rubs it off so adding fresh litter might be an option. If they are really bad you may have to wash them, when they hatch it will be warm and moist a prefect breeding ground.

I am using pine shavings about 3 inches deep freshened weekly and I have been using a kitty litter to scoop poop out when I see it. I think I will go ahead and wash them because when I checked on them again this morning after scraping them a little yesterday, they are all covered again.
Added straw just now, most of the eggs felt really light, I am wondering if they are not developing? Obviously this is my first time trying to hatch turkey eggs. We had one born yesterday and one of the hens killed it. So bummed hope it is not the only one that is going to hatch! So I went and got ANOTHER galvanized water tank and made yet another brooder for the last girl to not have her own nest so hopefully no more dead babies. Steve you are always giving answers and even when you were not here I could usually find it if I searched in old posting. Thanks a ton

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